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STP (Apr 2020) Generalised Clipped Boundaries in EnglandCSV

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OBJECTID STP20CD STP20NM BNG_E BNG_N LONG LAT Shape__Area Shape__Length GlobalID
1 E54000007 Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership 383161 401102 -2.25535 53.506351 1402014904.63066 252276.294863881 46c517b5-dbe1-4f8f-9838-cc18749592a0
2 E54000008 Cheshire and Merseyside 374405 380936 -2.38572 53.32473 2987865520.56804 594930.723866864 56ca1fd7-77b6-46af-9d33-141c306569b9
3 E54000009 South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw 447764 393041 -1.28256 53.432011 2189405536.21901 355238.438388387 2842bbc3-69e7-4bff-b622-500c66ebe3ff
4 E54000010 Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent 398243 334651 -2.02756 52.909302 2716723279.21507 425675.990232556 fd7685bc-63e6-4400-b7aa-9c5b32dc12a3