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180 results found

Public services to have recived support from the Cabinet Office's Mutuals Information Service (MIS)

This information, published on a quarterly basis, presents the number of public services to have recived support from the Mutuals Information Service (MIS), according to the service area within...

Transparency in Procurement and Contracting Progress Reports

Quarterly reports showing progress of core departments in publishing tenders and contracts on Contracts Finder.

Central government workforce initial release

An initial estimate of the numbers of consultants, contractors and agency staff working in central Government departments, their agencies and NDPBs. This is the result of a Cabinet Office scoping...

Government construction pipeline

The August 2015 Government Construction Pipeline is a forward look of government-funded construction projects as at April 2015 and includes approximately £118bn of investment to 2020 and beyond....

Major Projects Portfolio data for UK government

The Major Projects Authority (MPA) publishes data as part of the government’s transparency policy. In addition to MPA annual reports, this includes an aggregated Government Major Project Portfolio...

Count of datasets on over time

Provides a historical record of the numbers of datasets on and gives basic breakdown of the means that they got onto the site. Analyses the dump files produced nightly (available here:...

Public Bodies 2014

Public Bodies 2014 provides a single transparent source of top-level data on all non-departmental public bodies, executive agencies and non-ministerial departments*. *HMRC is excluded. This...

Central Government, Welsh Ministers and Local Government including Property and Land

Data files from e-PIMS, Government's Property and Land asset database containing details of location, tenure and other key attributes for each asset. It includes details about the buildings, any...

Civil Service People Survey 2013

The Civil Service People Survey (CSPS) is an annual survey open to all Civil Servants and those that work for Civil Service organisations. In 2013 270,793 Civil Servants across 97 organisations...

Cabinet Office annual report and accounts 2013 - 14

Data sets relating to the Cabinet Office annual report and accounts for the financial year 2013 - 14. The Cabinet Office annual report and accounts of activity and services includes: a summary of...

Listing of publishable central government tender documentation for tenders over £10,000

The Contracts Finder site contains the listing of publishable central government tender and contract information and documentation. This applies for all procurement over £10,000. The published...

Cabinet Office Annual Report and Accounts 2014-15

This data is derived directly from the Cabinet Office Annual Report and Accounts 2014-15, which was published on the GOV.UK website on the 1st of October 2015. The title of each file includes the...

Performance data on Government ICT projects (31 July 2010)

A spreadsheet of details on Government ICT projects as at 31 July 2010 and valued at over £1million. Departments own the data. ERG collated the data. All the data is published apart from that...

Quarterly Data Summary

Under the new QDS framework departments’ spending data is published every quarter; to show the taxpayer how the Government is spending their money. The QDS grew out of commitments made in the 2011...

Civil Service People Survey 2010

The Civil Service People Survey (CSPS) is an annual survey open to all Civil Servants and those that work for Civil Service organisations. In 2010 325,000 Civil Servants across 103 organisations...

Public Bodies 2013

The 2013 release of Public Bodies aims to provide a single transparent statement on a broad range of bodies sponsored by the UK government. The Public Bodies 2013 provides a directory of data for...

Cabinet Office Senior Officials Travel Report

This report shows international travel and accommodation used by Cabinet Office senior officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes bookings made through departments’ central...

Major Projects Portfolio data for Cabinet Office

As part of the transparency policy for publication of major projects data the Major Projects Authority (MPA) has published its first annual report. It includes a set of combined data of the...

Open Central Government Websites

Number of and list of central government open websites.

Cabinet Office spending approvals

A quarterly record of exceptions to the moratirium on spending in the areas of consultancy; ICT; advertising and marketing; property; and recruitment