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73 results found

Payments to suppliers with a value over £500 from Sevenoaks District Council

This page lists reports of individual payments to suppliers with a value over £500 made within the month. Publication of these lists forms part of the Council's commitment to be open and...

Sevenoaks District Council - Polling District Boundaries

2015 Election Boundaries within the Sevenoaks District.

Sevenoaks District Council - Premises Licences

List of Premise Licenses

Sevenoaks District Council - Planning Applications

A full list of planning applications and their state.

Sevenoaks District Council - Public Toilets

Information relating to the location and facilities at District Council owned and managed public toilets.

Sevenoaks District Council - Penalty Charge Notices Issued

Records containing Penalty Charge Notices (PCN / Parking Fines) issued, location, their type, current status, payment received amount.

Sevenoaks District Council - Payments Received for Services by Service Area by Day

This data-set includes the total value of credit and debit card payments made by the public through the self-service kiosk in our Argyle Road Reception, over the phone with a member of staff or the...


There is no description available.

Sevenoaks Open Data - Ward Boundaries FS

Polygon data set of Sevenoaks Ward Boundaries - API and download in British National Grid.

Sevenoaks Open Data - Local List (Locally Listed Buildings, Structures and Leisure Spaces)

Polygon dataset of the adopted Local List within Sevenoaks District (Locally Listed Buildings, Structures and Leisure Spaces) - API and download in British National Grid.

Sevenoaks Open Data - Town Centre Areas of Change FS

Point dataset of Town Centre Areas of Change within Sevenoaks District - API and download in British National Grid.

Green Spaces

Datasets of Edenbridge Character Area Appraisal within Sevenoaks District - API and download in British National Grid.

Sevenoaks Open Data - Brownfied Sites

Polygon dataset of Sevenoaks District Brownfield Sites - API and download in British National Grid.

Sevenoaks Open Data - Sevenoaks District Boundary

Polygon dataset of Sevenoaks District Boundary - API and download in British National Grid.

Sevenoaks Open Data - Edenbridge Character Area Appraisal FS

Dataset of Edenbridge Character Area Appraisal within Sevenoaks District - API and download in British National Grid.

Sevenoaks Open Data - Areas of Special Advert Control

Polygon dataset of Areas of Special Advert Control within Sevenoaks District - API and download in British National Grid.

Sevenoaks Open Data - Ward Boundaries

Polygon data set of Sevenoaks Ward Boundaries - API and download in British National Grid.

Sevenoaks Open Data - Assets Of Community Value

Polygon dataset of Sevenoaks District Assets of Community Value - API and download in British National Grid.

Sevenoaks Open Data - Town Centre Frontages FS

Polyline dataset of Town Centre Frontages within Sevenoaks District - API and download in British National Grid.

Character Areas

Datasets of Edenbridge Character Area Appraisal within Sevenoaks District - API and download in British National Grid.