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184 results found

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Scale of Election Fees 2014

Kent Association of Electoral Registration Officers and Staff proposed scale of fess for District/Borough and Parish Council elections held on or after 1 April 2014

TWBC SFRA Appendices

Appendices from the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Levels 1 & 2. Click on the Download button on this page to download the PDFs. It may take some time so please be patient. Created...

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Annual Audit Letter 2019

An independent audit of the financial statements and value for money offered by the council

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Annual Audit Letter 2016

An independent audit of the financial statements and value for money offered by the council.

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Parking spaces and account 2019/20 information

TWBC Open Data - Transparency - Parking spaces and account 2019/20 information

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Community Grants 2019 to 2020

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Community Grants 2019 to 2020

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Budget 2012 to 2013

The purpose of this report is to set the Council’s budget for the year and update the Medium Term Financial Strategy

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Members Allowances 2018 to 2019

List of allowances paid to members

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Annual Audit Letter 2015

An independent audit of the financial statements and value for money offered by the council.

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Budget 2011 to 2012

The purpose of this report is to set the Council’s budget for the year and update the Medium Term Financial Strategy

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Asset Management Plan 2021 to 22

The Asset Management Plan (AMP) defines how the Council managed, maintained, acquired and disposed of the Council’s property assets over the past financial year and identifies the objectives for...

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Codebook 2020-21

The Revenue Codebook contains data related to the Council's budgeted non-capital expenditure for 2020/2021. The data can be filtered by spending type.

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Members Allowances 2013 to 2014

List of allowances paid to members

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Budget 2015 to 2016

The purpose of this report is to set the Council’s budget for the year and update the Medium Term Financial Strategy

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Codebook 2016-17

The council's budgeted non-capital expenditure for 2016/17, broken down by type of spending

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Members Allowances 2015 to 2016

List of allowances paid to members

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Annual Financial Report 2017/18

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Financial Report 2018

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Final Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017-18 to 2021-22

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Final Medium Term  Financial Strategy 2017-18 to 2021-22

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Members Allowances 2012 to 2013

List of allowances paid to members

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Annual Audit Letter 2018

An independent audit of the financial statements and value for money offered by the council