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4,939 results found

Core Accessibility Indicators

Report describes measures of accessibility by public transport, walking and cycling to seven service types: primary and secondary schools, further education, GPs, hospitals, food shops and...

Open Access - Other Statutory Access Land (CRoW Act)

The CRoW Act provides for public access on foot to certain types of land, amends the law relating to public rights of way, increases measures for the management and protection for Sites of...

Accessibility Indicators

This release provides statistics on how accessibile eight key services (primary and secondary schools, further education,GP surgeries and hospitals, food stores, town centres and employment...

Accessibility Areas Interest

areas on interest relating to access route.

Internet Access

This release explores the use of the Internet by adults in Great Britain and draws attention to how households connected to the Internet. It provides useful information for those interested in what...

Accessibility Destination Datasets

Excel datasets containing raw destination data for calculating Accessibility statistics. This gives the locations of the different services used within these calculations: Primary schools,...

Public Access Defibrillators

This dataset shows the locations of public access defibrillators around the Borough.

What Is The Population Guide

Quick guide to population measures and the latest current information on the overall population of Camden.

Open Access Land

Dataset showing the dedicated open access land, published in compliance with the INSPIRE directive.

Subject Access Requests

Database containing details of Subject Access Requests for personal information made by pension age customers and disability claims customers.

Customer Access Points

List of customer access points, both face to face and electronic kiosks in Warwickshire includes location specified by latitude and longitude.

Subject Access Requests

Contains compliance information about Subject Access requests, including names and details of requestors, summary or the request, time for compliance, numbers of requests

Transport Accessibility Data

These datasets were gathered by Transport Direct to support accessible (step-free or with assistance) journey planning. They describe accessibility of public transport stations, stops and services....

FSA Subject Access Requests

This dataset is an abridged version of the Information Management and Security Team Subject Access Requests Log. The log is used to record, track and report on the Subject Access Requests made to...

Access Network Mapping (England)

Integrated Access Mapping project - national composite dataset of Access layers, showing analysis of percentage or area coverage of access in England. Attribution statement: Contains, or is...

EU Project Report: The RISCS Guide - A guide to potential impacts of leakage from CO2 storage

The RISCS guide summarises the conclusions and recommendations developed by the RISCS Consortium, based on four years of research into the potential impacts of leakage from CO2 storage sites. The...

AccessNI Customer Survey

Covers satisfaction levels with AccessNI's customer service, including Communication, the Customer Service Helpline and the website. Source agency: Finance and Personnel (Northern...

AccessNI Customer Survey

Covers satisfaction levels with AccessNI's customer service, including Communication, the Customer Service Helpline and the website. Source agency: Northern Ireland Statistics and Research...

User guide to Home Office crime statistics

The User Guide to Home Office Crime Statistics is designed to be a useful reference guide with explanatory notes regarding the issues and classifications which are key to the production and...

GM Accessibility Levels (GMAL)

Greater Manchester Accessibility Levels (GMAL) are a detailed and accurate measure of the accessibility of a point to both the conventional public transport network (i.e. bus, Metrolink and rail)...