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380 results found

Insurance Premium Tax

Administrative datasets on Insurance Premium Tax

Insurance Premium Tax

Administrative datasets on Insurance Premium Tax

Government Procurement Card

This dataset, published on a quarterly basis, contains details of all expenditure made on the council's Government Procurement Card. The use of the GPC refers to cards issued under a procurement...

Credit card charge backs

Credit card charge backs including bank reference, candidate name and address, date of test, booking reference number, credit card number used and name and address of card holder.

National Insurance Contributions (NICs)

Administrative datasets on National Insurance Contributions (NICs)

National Insurance Contributions (NICs)

Administrative datasets on National Insurance Contributions (NICs)

Procurement card transactions

Procurement card transactions at Scarborough Borough Council.

Procurement Card Transactions

Rochdale Borough Council DOES NOT use Government Procurement Cards.

Procurement Card Data

Details of all transactions made via the Council's Governement Procurement Card

Bradford Council procurement cards

Bradford Council has issued selected officers with procurement cards. Details of the card transactions are published on a quarterly basis. Further information Tenders and Contracts

Government Procurement Card Transactions

Details of all government procurement card transactions for Colchester Borough Council. Colchester Borough Council does not currently use government procurement cards.

Purchase Card Transactions

The reports in this section list all transaction on our Government Procurement Cards.

Babergh District Council/Insurance claims

Insurance claims

Waveney District Council/Insurance claims

Insurance claims

Ipswich Borough Council/Insurance claims

Insurance claims where a payment has been made. Ipswich Borough Council operates a number of insurance policies in relation to council owned property and public liability etc. Note: These do not...

GeoSure Insurance Data

The GeoSure data sets and reports from the British Geological Survey provide information about potential ground movement or subsidence in a helpful and user-friendly format. The reports can help...

Metro Cards Use and Savings

Data taken from Calderdale Council Resource Booking System, where staff are able to book Metro cards for business use. Highlights data on cost of Metro cards, number of journeys made, miles...

Procurement Card Transactions

This contains details of transactions that Leicester City Council makes using a Government Procurement Card.This data will be published quarterly.

Council procurement card transactions

Local Government procurement card transactions.

Government Procurement Card Spend

Lists Government Procurement Card transactions for analysis and forecasting purposes.