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146 results found

Input-Output Analytical Tables

Input-Output (I-O) Analytical Tables are derived from the annual Input-Output Supply and Use Tables (SUTs). Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National...

Analytical Geochemistry Laboratory Records

This dataset of paper records holds details of analysis of all the sample batches (from both internal and external customers) analysed by the Analytical Geochemistry Laboratory of the BGS since...

Soil Pit Analytical Data

Soil Pits represent the most detailed descriptions made of a soil profile. Samples are taken at various points down the profile and sent to various laboratories for analyses. This product contains...

London Office of Data Analytics

The GLA and Nesta are working together to run a pilot to demonstrate that performing data analytics on datasets sourced from multiple local authorities and public sector bodies can help reform...

London Job Posting Analytics

This workbook summarises recent Job Posting Analytics related to delivery drivers in London. The data is provided by **Emsi**, a data modelling company.  It looks at job postings based on two...

Web analytics for East Sussex County Council

Open read-only access to Google Analytics reports for some East Sussex County Council websites. We are happy for this data to be used under the Open Government Licence, but clearly Google's Terms...

BEIS business critical analytical models 2022

A list of the main analytical models deployed by BEIS to support policies as of 30 March 2022. Recommendation 4 of the Review of quality assurance of government models (Macpherson Review) asked...

Cambridgeshire Insight and Open Data Portal Google Analytics Summary

This dataset will display quarterly Google analytics figures for both Cambridgeshire Insight and Cambridgeshire Insight Open Data Portal. It includes total users, total sessions and total page views.

Spend analytics data

Analysis of departmental procurement spend extracted from departmental accounts payable data

SCAPE Analytical Concentration/Temperature Model

Grant: SCAPE (UKCCSRC Call 2). This is a Matlab code that calculates the change in internal concentration of CO2 in a building as a cloud of CO2 engulfs the building. The CO2 is assumed to enter...

Quantitative and qualitative data relating to the inhibition of a phosphatase reaction by microcystin on a paper-based analytical device (PAD)

[This dataset is embargoed until October 28, 2025]. This dataset contains information about the development of a paper analytical device for the detection of the microcystin toxin. Water samples...

Benefits and Credits Error and Fraud Analytical Programme (EFAP)

Contains the results of enquiries carried out by claimant compliance into a stratified random sample of 5,000 finalised Child and Working tax credit awards. Details include yield found, direction...

Composition of starting materials, conditions under which those materials were heated to metamorphic temperatures and analytical results, including mineralogy and phosphorus speciation

The dataset includes results from laboratory experiments aiming to explore the reduction and polymerization potential of phosphorus under metamorphic conditions. Table 1 shows the initial...

Field and analytical data from Tipperary CO2 seep, Daylesford, Australia (2017)

This dataset contains: 1. An excel spreadsheet of field data from Tipperary pool, including CO2 bubble locations, raw and derived flux data, and field description. March 2017 field campaign. 2....

Analytical results from lightning discharge experiments focusing on interactions between nitrogen oxides and pyrite

The dataset includes measurements of dissolved and gaseous nitrogen oxides (nitrite, nitrate, NO(g)) generated by lightning discharge in a glass container partially filled with water, as well as...

Mimetic host shifts in a social parasite of ants: Analytical data of surface semio-chemicals on Maculinea rebeli larvae

This dataset is part of the study of mimetic host shifts in an endangered social parasite of ants, which is a joint study of the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and the University of Oxford. It...

Transport Statistics Greater Manchester Road Traffic Section

This report presents results of HFAS’s (Transport for Greater Manchester Highways Forecasting and Analytical Services formerly known as GMTU) road traffic monitoring. It includes trends in...


Nanoparticles in Food: Analytical methods for detection and characterisation website statistics

Website analytics for between 2009 and 2013

NSI textures

National Soil Inventory (NSI) analytical results for particle size distribution