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37 results found

Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR)

Information captured at the Roadside Automatic Number Plate Recognition system. Only vehicles matching specified criteria (e.g. expired test) are captured.

Wind turbines in The Highland Council area

Location of wind turbines in planning applications in The Highland Council area with the following Statuses: Constructed / Constructed-Removed / Under Construction / Approved / In Planning /...

Legacy Countryside Stewardship Scheme Options (England) - closed scheme

Former Countryside Stewardship Scheme live agreements options points as at scheme closure in 2014. This Natural England dataset is static and does not include up to date information relating to the...

Personal licence register

We publish the names of all individuals who hold, or have applied for, personal licences in Great Britain. We also publish the names of individuals whose licences have lapsed, been revoked,...

Council energy consumption

Energy consumption of council sites from council buildings to street lighting. The data set includes the energy consumption, associated costs and from 2013/14 carbon implications. ·Electricity is...

Legacy Countryside Stewardship Scheme Agreements (England) - closed scheme

Former Countryside Stewardship Scheme live agreements holding boundaries data as at scheme closure in 2014. This Natural England dataset is static and does not include up to date information...

Premises Licences in Ealing (Licensing Act 2003 only)

Licensing Act 2003 licences issued for premises by the London Borough of Ealing eg public houses, off licences, take aways, cinemas etc. Includes all licences prior to the publication date and...

Barnet Contracts Register 2020-2023

This register contains all the council's active and compliant contracts, greater or equal to £10,000 in total contract value in 2020 to 2023. All contracts were live at time of publishing. Some...

Barnet Contracts Register 2023-24

This register contains all the council's active and compliant contracts, greater or equal to £10,000 in total contract value in 2023/24 to date. All contracts were live at time of publishing. Some...

Barnet Contracts Register 2019-20

This register contains all the council's active and compliant contracts, greater or equal to £10,000 in total contract value in 2019/20 to date. All contracts were live at time of publishing....

Barnet Contracts Register 2018-19

This register contains all the council's active and compliant contracts, greater or equal to £10,000 in total contract value in 2018/19 to date. All contracts were live at time of...

Marine Licence Archive

The records contain coordinate data associated with historic and expired marine licence applications in Wales. The data allows the location of applications to be mapped to assess any in...

Marine Licences

The records contain coordinate data associated with current marine licence applications in Wales. The location of disposal sites is also available. This data allows the locations of licence...

Historic Landfill Sites

This dataset is now Static and won’t be updated. However, this dataset should still be used for information on permits that were historic before came under EPR regulations. This dataset...

Contracts register - other

This dataset lists all contracts currently in place with Leeds City Council as well as expired contracts for the previous month where no tender process has been run e.g. 3 quote process....

Mining Leases

This dataset contains Mining Leases issued under the Minerals Development Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 by the Department for the Economy. These data geometry are polygons showing the extent of the...

Statutory Plant Health Notices - Scotland

This layer shows the extent of Statutory Plant Health Notices (SPHN) issued by Scottish Forestry in Scotland. The SPHN extent defines the boundary within which the full conditions and biosecurity...

Mineral Prospecting Licences

This dataset contains Prospecting Licences issued under the Minerals Development Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 by the Department for the Economy. These data geometry are polygons showing the extent...

South Lakes Safari Zoo Inspection Form

South Lakes Safari Ltd in Dalton, trading as the Safari Zoo, is licensed by the Council under the Zoo Licensing Act 1981. It is subject to periodic formal inspections led by Inspectors approved by...

Assets of Community Value

The list includes all properties nominated if successful the asset will remain on the list for five years and a land charge will be registered against the property. Additionally Communities will be...