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1,170 results found

UK geomagnetic observatory one-minute mean values

Digital one-minute values of the Geomagnetic field elements from Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Hartland Observatories. Data are available from 1979 up to the present day. Most data are definitive, but...

Minutes of Board of Trustees meetings

British Council - Redacted minutes of Board of Trustees meetings

Footfall in Customer Centre - Average wait time (Minutes)

Footfall in Customer Centre - Average wait time (Minutes)

% Adult participation in 30 minutes, moderate intensity sport

% Adult participation in 30 minutes, moderate intensity sport *This indicator has been discontinued.

Geomagnetic observatory hourly and minute means

Hourly and minute means of the geomagnetic field vector components from observatories around the world from, respectively, 1883 and 1969, to the present day. At present there are about 160...

National Archives - Original documents delivered within 60 minutes

The National Archives provides information about the number of records delivered to the public in our reading rooms within 60 minutes. This information is available here.

Yorkshire & Humberside Local Enterprise Partnership Reports and Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Yorkshire & Humberside Local Enterprise Partnership Reports and Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Vegetation - Last 30 Days Incidents

This dataset contains the __ most recent__ vegetation incidents in York - covering a 30 days period. The information presented has been recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship...

Graduate earnings over the last decade

This report analyses earnings of graduates in the UK Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Graduate earnings over...

Primary schools oversubscribed and last child in

Primary schools oversubscribed and last child in

Planning decisions within last 3 months

Locations affected by Planning decisions within the last 3 months. Locations are recorded as a point. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public...

Reasons for leaving last job

This release gives information on the reasons why people left their main jobs, focusing on whether the reason they left was voluntary or involuntary. Trends in the rate of people leaving their main...

Time since last worked (2001 Census)

Time since last in employment Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Output Area (OA), Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), Local Authority District (LAD), Government...

Sign Problems - Last 30 Days Incidents

This dataset contains the __ most recent__ sign incidents in York - covering a 30 days period. The information presented has been recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship management...

Street Cleaning - Last 30 Days Incidents

This dataset contains the __most recent__ street cleaning incidents in York - covering a 30 days period. The information presented has been recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship...

Salt Bin - Last 30 Days Incidents

This dataset contains the __ most recent__ salt bin incidents in York - covering a 30 days period. The information presented has been recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship...

Fly-tipping - Last 30 Days Incidents

This dataset contains the __most recent__ fly-tipping incidents in York - covering a 30 days period. The information presented has been recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship...

Street Lighting - Last 30 Days Incidents

This dataset contains the __ most recent__ street lighting incidents in York - covering a 30 days period. The information presented has been recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship...

Street Furniture - Last 30 Days Incidents

This dataset contains the __ most recent__ street furniture incidents in York - covering a 30 days period. The information presented has been recorded in City of York Council’s customer...

Road and Pavement - Last 30 Days Incidents

This dataset contains the __ most recent__ road and pavement incidents in York - covering a 30 days period. The information presented has been recorded in City of York Council’s customer...