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611 results found

Deaths in the UK Regular Armed Forces

Deaths in the UK Regular Armed Forces Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Deaths in Armed Forces

TSP 10: UK Regular Forces Stationed Location

This publication is now called the Quarterly Location Statistics – UK Regular Armed Forces and Civilian Personnel and it will be released under its new name. Source agency: Defence Designation:...

TSP 8: Age Distribution of UK Regular Forces

UK regular forces strengths by age Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: TSP 8

TSP 1: UK Regular Forces Strengths and Changes

Strengths of, and intake and outflow to/ from, the UK regular forces, including breakdowns by gender. Please note that this publication is no longer published, following consultation. Details can...

TSP 19: UK Regular Forces Intake and Outflow by Age

Intake and outflow to/ from UK regular forces by age Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: TSP 19

Barnet response to DEFRA consultation on Introducing a Deposit Return Scheme

Barnet council's officer response to DEFRA's Consultation on Introducing a Deposit Return Scheme in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Submitted 13 May 2019

Suicide and Open Verdict Deaths in the UK Regular Armed Forces

Statistics on suicide and open verdict deaths in the UK Regular Armed Forces Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Suicide & Open...

Paternity of Eschscholzia californica plants introduced to habitats comprising different floral cover

This dataset details the paternity of progeny from Eschscholzia californica plants introduced to habitats comprising different floral cover. Data was collected in June 2015 at the Hillesden estate,...

TSP 5: UK Regular Forces Outflow from Trained Strength to Civil Life

Outflow from trained strength from UK regular forces. Please note that this publication is no longer produced following consultation. Details can be found on the DASA website by following the link...

Barnet response to DEFRA consultation on introducing a Deposit Return Scheme in England, Wales and Northern Ireland

Barnet Council's officer response to DEFRA consultation on introducing a Deposit Return Scheme in England, Wales and Northern Ireland

The seed set of Eschscholzia californica plants introduced into habitats comprising different floral cover

This dataset contains seed counts of Eschscholzia californica plants introduced to form experimental arrays within habitats comprising different floral cover. Data was collected in June 2015 at the...

Introducing the new CPIH measure of Consumer Price Inflation

This article describes CPIH - the new, additional measure of Consumer Price Inflation including owner occupiers' housing costs (OOH). The rental equivalence approach is used to measure OOH. The...

Introducing the new RPIJ measure of Consumer Price Inflation

This article describes the new RPIJ measure of Consumer Price Inflation. RPIJ is a Retail Prices Index (RPI) based measure that will use a geometric (Jevons) formula in place of one type of...

Other regular and ad hoc consumer and business surveys

VisitEngland publish results from its ongoing programme of market research whenever these are felt to be relevant to the wider tourism industry. Most of these surveys are published at...

Quarterly Location Statistics – UK Regular Armed Forces and Civilian Personnel

From April 2013, the release of this publication will not be announced on the Statistics Publication Hub in line with the new MOD policy of only announcing National Statistics on the Hub. Please...

Town Centre Pavement Washing Programme

Street-scene are introducing a programme of Town Centre pavement washing including chewing gum removal and litter bin washing. This is in addition to the regular street cleaning we carry out daily...

Parental Leave (EU Directive) Regulations 2013: impact assessment

Analyses of both time-series (e.g. Labour Force Survey) and regular (e.g. Work-life Balance Employee and Employer surveys) datasets. Supports the impact assessment for draft regulations that extend...

Customer Satisfaction - All

  Our Contact & Support centre regularly surveys customers to measure satisfaction with the telephone service received. Each survey period runs for 1 month and aims to record the views of as...

Habitat point records from 1996 Harding Inner Firth of Forth sublittoral survey

Survey of the Inner Firth of Forth using grab samples. Carried out as part of an MSC thesis, with a view to re-introducing oysters to the Firth. The times at which samples were taken was not...

Customer Satisfaction Survey Results

  Our Customer Service Centre runs regular surveys to measure overall satisfaction with the service received. Each survey operates for a month and aims to record the views of as many customers as...