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275 results found

Accessibility Route

Access route divided into sections with the same gradient and surface type. One short route, one longer route

Parish Or Community

Civil parishes in England and community wards in Scotland. Unitary authorities may be divided into civil parishes or communities (except in Scotland).

Area management - King scallop assessment areas in Scotland

For the purposes of Marine Scotland Science’s (MSS) stock assessments, the king scallop (Pecten maximus) grounds around Scotland are divided into assessment areas (previously known as ‘Management...

Car Park Zones in Perth City Centre

Car parking zones in Perth city centre. Parking in Perth City is divided into three zones. Different pricing and waiting periods apply depending on the zone.

Council Wards

All of South Ayrshire is divided into wards for local government elections; each ward elects three or four councillors who represent their area in the running of the Council.

House price to residence-based earnings ratio

Affordability ratios calculated by dividing house prices by gross annual residence-based earnings. Based on the median and lower quartiles of both house prices and earnings in England and Wales.

Figure 3: London had the widest range of local authorities’ housing affordability

Affordability ratios calculated by dividing house prices by gross annual workplace-based earnings. Based on the median and lower quartiles of both house prices and earnings in England and Wales.

Average Daily Footfall In Aviation House By Week

This dataset shows the daily average of FSA staff entering Aviation House by week. The weekly total number of FSA Staff entering Aviation House is divided by 5 to give the daily average.

House price (existing dwellings) to residence-based earnings ratio

Affordability ratios calculated by dividing house prices for existing dwellings, by gross annual residence-based earnings. Based on the median and lower quartiles of both house prices and earnings...

House price (existing dwellings) to workplace-based earnings ratio

Affordability ratios calculated by dividing house prices for existing dwellings, by gross annual workplace-based earnings. Based on the median and lower quartiles of both house prices and earnings...

House price (newly-built dwellings) to workplace-based earnings ratio

Affordability ratios calculated by dividing house prices for newly-built dwellings, by gross annual workplace-based earnings. Based on the median and lower quartiles of both house prices and...

Westminster Constituency

England, Scotland and Wales are divided into parliamentary constituencies for voting purposes to elect members (MPs) to the Westminster Parliament. Parliamentary constituencies are made up of...

Highland Council Polling Districts

Polling Districts in Highland Council. A polling district is a geographical sub-division of an electoral area. For voting purposes, each parliamentary constituency and every local government ward...

Broadscale habitat (EUNIS level 3) for South Rigg recommended Marine Conservation Zone (rMCZ)

A broadscale habitat map was produced by analysing and interpreting the acoustic and ground truth data collected at South Rigg rMCZ. Acoustic data was used to identify areas of Rock and sediment...

Polling Districts

Under Section 18A of the Representation of the People Act 1983 (as amended) the Council is required to divide each parliamentary constituency in the area into polling districts, to designate...

Polling Stations

Under Section 18A of the Representation of the People Act 1983 (as amended) the Council is required to divide each parliamentary constituency in the area into polling districts, to designate...

Administrative Areas (Argyll and Bute)

Administrative Areas used by Argyll and Bute Council for administering services. The council area is divided into four administrative areas: Bute and Cowal; Helensburgh and Lomond; Mid Argyll,...

Cheshire East - Polling Districts

Under Section 18A of the Representation of the People Act 1983 (as amended) the Council is required to divide each parliamentary constituency in the area into polling districts, to designate...

Spend over £25,000 in Southwark PCT

A list of all financial transactions over £25,000 updated monthly made by NHS Southwark. Divided by month and between NHS Southwark (commissioning) and Southwark Provider Services (provider) due to...

Council Tax Estimated Collection Rate

The dataset shows the proportion of the council tax net collectable debit which each billing authority expects to be able to collect during the financial year. The estimated collection rate is...