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68 results found

Emergency Hospital Admissions for Intentional Self-Harm (all ages)

Mental health and well-being is an important aspect of public health. Self-harm is an expression of personal distress. There is a significant and persistent risk of future suicide following an...

Crime in England and Wales 2010/11

This is the tenth report in an annual series combining crimes recorded by the police and interviews from the British Crime Survey (BCS) for the financial year 2010/11. Each source has different...

Marine Research Management and Information Tool (MaRMIT)

Internal database  of all reasearch and development projects commissioned by the Unit. The intention is for this to be available to all via the Defra website.

Suicides by Occupation

The number of deaths recorded as 'suicide' or 'event of undetermined intent' in Northern Ireland, by broad occupation group. In the UK it is standard procedure to include both causes under the...

Fire and rescue service: All incidents attended

This dataset covers incidents attended by fire and rescue services (FRS) in England and Wales, excluding the Isles of Scilly, covering a total of 49 FRS. The data include incidents that not only...


On 28th May 2010, the government announced its intention to publish all central Government expenditure over £25,000 on-line at The documents listed below are Ofgem’s supplier payments...

Redcar and Cleveland Brownfield Register

Brownfield Sites within the Redcar & Cleveland Planning Area - Sites on the brownfield register are regarded as suitable for development. The intention is that at least 90% of the sites on the...

Tree Preservation Orders - Craven District Council

For trees protected by a TPO consent is required from the Council to carry out works to it. Protection is also given to all trees in Conservation Areas and the Council must be formally notified of...

Cycle network

The Cycle Network Map is a GIS database of existing and proposed cycle routes in Bristol, used by BCC for maintaining and planning the cycle network. It includes the strategic cycle network,...

Protected Sites - Designated haul-out sites for seals (Protection of seals orders)

Seal haul-out sites are designated under section 117 of Marine (Scotland) Act 2010. Harassing a seal (intentionally or recklessly) at a haul-out site is an offence. “Haul-out site” means any place...

Index to statutory borehole notifications

Index to the statutory notifications of the intention to drill any boreholes, shafts or wells under the Mining Industry Act 1926 or the Water Resources Act 1991 for Great Britain. Index complete...

Injury and Poisoning Mortality in England and Wales

Annual data on deaths from injury and poisoning using a matrix of mechanism by intent developed by the International Collaborative Effort (ICE). This publication has been discontinued as a result...

Borehole Notifications.

Records for Great Britain of the statutory notifications of the intention to drill any boreholes, shafts or wells under the Mining Industry Act 1926 or the Water Resources Act 1991( plus voluntary...

NI 125 - Achieving independence for older people through rehabilitation / intermediate care

The proportion of older people discharged from hospital to their own home or to a residential or nursing care home or extra care housing bed for rehabilitation with a clear intention that they will...

Sentencing Council Crown Court Sentencing Survey bulletin

The Crown Court Sentencing Survey is an ongoing data collection exercise of sentencing decisions made in the Crown Court. The survey commenced on 1st October 2010 and forms cover: Arson and...

Housing Market Indicators

A dataset of indicators of the state of the UK housing market This is a collection of indicators from diverse sources on different aspects of the state of the UK housing market. Some indicators...

Fraud Data

This information relates to counter fraud work undertaken by the Council. The data relates mainly to the number of staff employed, number of investigations undertaken and the occasions when...

Waste Contracts Register

The Mayor set out his strategic policy framework for the management of London's municipal waste in the London Environment Strategy (LES), published in May 2018. Proposal 7.2.1.b set out the Mayor’s...

Aquaculture - Finfish and shellfish farms (including fishery sites)

Point data identifying the location of finfish or shellfish farms around Scotland from the Fish Health Inspectorate Aquadat database. This includes fishery sites which are ponds or other...

NI 099 - Children in care reaching level 4 in English at Key Stage 2.

Number of looked after children who were in care for at least one year who were in year 6 (key stage 2) and who achieved at least level 4 in English against the total number of looked after...