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380 results found

1:50,000 Land Capability for Agriculture

The Land Capability Classification for Agriculture has as its objective the presentation of detailed information on soil, climate and relief in a form which will be of value to land use planners,...

Land Capability for Forestry, Scotland

The main use of the Land Capability Classification for Forestry is as an aid to decision-making at broad planning levels, as a guide for land managers and as a statement of the natural resources of...

Employment and Support Allowance: Work Capability Assessment Statistical Release

Cohort based and in-month statistics of outcomes for the Employment and Support Allowance Work Capability...

1:250,000 Land Capability for Agriculture WMS

This service is the digital (vector) version of the Land Capability for Agriculture of Scotland 1:250,000 maps. Refer to the datasets for more information.

Employment and Support Allowance: Outcomes of Work Capability Assessments, Great Britain – new claims

Cohort based and in-month statistics of outcomes for the Employment and Support Allowance Work Capability Assessment. NOTE: With effect from 30 April 2013 this publication will be combined with the...

Employment and Support Allowance: Outcomes of Work Capability Assessments, Great Britain

This report presents information on both new claims and claims undergoing reassessment of incapacity benefits for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) in Great Britain. It provides statistics on...

Evidence Based Review of the Work Capability Assessment - claimant data from live testing

Anonymised data on 600 Employment and Support Allowance claimants derived from the testing of an alternative Work Capability Assessment (part electronic) Data collected in 2013. Includes...

Employment and Support Allowance – Incapacity Benefits Reassessments: Outcomes of Work Capability Assessments, Regions and Local

This publication looks at Incapacity Benefits conversions to Employment and Support Allowance. It specifically outlines the outcomes of Work Capability Assessments, Regions and...

Land Capability Dataset for Archaeological Viewshed Analysis Study of Glengorm Area on the Isle of Mull, Scotland

This Land Capability dataset provides land capability of soils in the Glengorm area of the Isle of Mull. This is part of a study conducted in the 1980s and 1990s which examined prehistoric ritual...

Defence Medical Information Capability P

Royal Fleet Auxiliary - Diligence. Medical patient contact records, kept on a restriced database.

IT Services - Information

Dataset of IT storage, server, network and security, backup, disaster recovery and business continuity and end user devices.

The BGS collection of archived video recordings

The BGS collection of downhole CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) recordings and backup tapes for worldwide SKYLAB satellite imagery. CCTV recordings carried out down boreholes, mainly drilled for...

Nephrops underwater TV Surveys in the Eastern Irish Sea (video data and database)

Underwater TV (UWTV) surveys dataset, used as basis of the Nephrops ( *Nephrops**norvegicus*) assessment to develop fishery independent indicators of stock size, exploitation status and catch...

Nephrops underwater TV Surveys in the Eastern Irish Sea (video data and database)

Underwater TV (UWTV) surveys dataset, used as basis of the Nephrops ( *Nephrops**norvegicus*) assessment to develop fishery independent indicators of stock size, exploitation status and catch...

Employment and Support Allowance

This publication looks at Incapacity Benefits conversions to Employment and Support Allowance. It specifically outlines the outcomes of Work Capability Assessments, Great...

Prime Agricultural Land

This dataset comes from an amalgamation of classes 1 and 2 of the MLURI Land capability classificaton. LCA Class 1 - Land capable of producing a very wide range of crops LCA Class 2 - Land capable...

Sodapy dev

Test dataset for sodapy capabilities

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical Survey 1976/1: SW Approaches and English Channel (09/06/1976 to 02/08/1976)

Report: Deegan, SE. 1976. Cruise Report on Project 76/01. SW Approaches and English Channel. (IGS Report No 83) Navigation: Magnavox integrated satellite navigation/doppler sonar system, back-up...

Fife Primary School Catchments (WFS)

WFS Service provides download capabilities for Primary School Catchments

Bonus Data

Application that provides analysis capability on Civilian Bonus data