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770 results found

Stop and Search

Stop and search data presented here are taken from the annual Home Office Statistics release ‘Police Powers and Procedures, England and Wales 2012/13’, and cover stops and searches conducted by...

Engineering Design Data

Phase 1 and phase 2 engineering design information

Engineering Properties:Bulking

This dataset is a characterisation of the soil and rocks and the potential bulking factor (likely excavated volume increases) at Formation (local to regional) level for Great Britain. The data is...

Engineering Turnover and Orders

Estimates for the engineering sector. Estimates are published at current prices covering turnover and orders. The engineering sector covers classes 29 to 33 as defined by the Standard Industrial...

Search the Collections

1.1 million catalogue records and over 360,000 images of objects in the V&A’s collection. The dataset is published online via the Search the Collections website which is refreshed every month...

World Heritage Site Engine Houses

The World Heritage Site project utlitised historic and modern Ordnance Survey mapping with existing documentary research to define the number of Cornish type, and related, engine house sites across...

Engineering Properties:Discontinuities

This dataset is a characterisation of discontinuity types found within rocks and soils in Great Britain. Discontinuities are breaks, fractures or planes of weakness in the rock mass. The dataset...

Windfarm Broad Areas of Search

Dataset provides details of windfarm areas of search

Engineering Laboratory Reports

A list of the laboratory reports produced from testing in the engineering geology laboratory. It includes report number, title and author's name(s). The reports themselves contain data on a wide...

Stop and search by ethnicity

The data shows: * the number of stop and searches for different ethnic groups in England and Wales * how many stop and searches there were for every 1,000 people in each ethnic group (the...

Military Search and Rescue Statistics

Military search and rescue statistics. Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: SAR Annual

Social media search stream data

The FSA Communications team tracked online and social data streams for pre-determined search topics, to capture data sets.

Stop and Search Statistics 2017/18

Stop and Search is an operational tool used to prevent, detect and investigate crime as well as to bring offenders to justice. Police officers have a legal power to stop and search members of the...

Stop and Search Statistics 2016/17

Stop and Search is an operational tool used to prevent, detect and investigate crime as well as to bring offenders to justice. Police officers have a legal power to stop and search members of the...

Stop and Search Statistics 2018/19

Stop and Search is an operational tool used to prevent, detect and investigate crime as well as to bring offenders to justice. Police officers have a legal power to stop and search members of the...

Science, Engineering and Technology Indicators

The Science, Engineering and Technology Indicators, or SET Statistics, are a summary of key indicators covering government financing of science, engineering and technology, research and development...

Datahub text search (test)

This report allows you to search the development description field of records from the Planning London Dataabub (PLD). It provides basic data about the application. Data on the PLD is supplied by...

Military Search and Rescue Monthly Statistic

Search and rescue statistics Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: SAR Monthly

Military Search and Rescue Quarterly Statistics

Military search and rescue statistics. Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: SAR Quarterly

Stop and search research findings 2013

Research findings for the 2013 stop and search review produced by YouGov on behalf of HMIC.