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2,074 results found

Rail Commercial Emergency Manual

Emergency Manual for Rail Commercial

Vacant Commercial Properties

Details of all currently vacant commercial properties and premises in Mole Valley, Surrey. Data refreshed every week. Data made available as CSV and CSV feed. To save as CSV use CSV feed link...

Commercial Fleet Holding

The dataset is an Excel spreadsheet of assets on the commercial fleet as at 08 March 2016. The fleet consists of vans, 4x4s, HGVs, tractors, excavators, boats, towable equipment and other fleet...

Commercial Land and Property

Barrow Councils Commercial Land and Property that is available for rent. Areas shown as a mixture of both polygon and point. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted...

Commercial tender and contract documentation

Details of contracts, tenders and commercial arrangements

Commercial and industrial waste arisings

A new single record created on DGUK for commercial and industrial waste arisings - to amalgamate all resources on that particular subject area and to maintain data pertaining to unique temporal...

NYMNPA Helmsley Local Plan Commercial Limits

The Local Plan Policies Maps identify the limits of the commercial area in the town of Helmsley, as set out in the Helmsley Local Plan under Policy BL8. The commercial areas cover the main shop and...

Piers and commercial ports - Orkney Islands

This is a dataset depicting all of the Orkney Island's piers including commercial ports as identified in the Draft Orkney Islands Regional Marine Plan

Fixed Penalty Notices - S47 Commercial Waste

Fixed Penalty Notices - S47 Commercial Waste

Laboratory Tests (Commercial) - Cattle Samples 2007

This dataset provides a list of the tests undertaken by APHA testing laboratories on cattle samples in 2007 paid for by commercial contracts. The dataset includes the following fields: Year;...

Laboratory Tests (Commercial) - Cattle Samples 2010

This dataset provides a list of the tests undertaken by APHA testing laboratories on cattle samples in 2010 paid for by commercial contracts. The dataset includes the following fields: Year;...

Laboratory Tests (Commercial) - Pigs Samples 2006

This dataset provides a list of the tests undertaken by APHA testing laboratories on pigs samples in 2006 paid for by commercial contracts. The dataset includes the following fields: Year; Species...

Laboratory Tests (Commercial) - Avian Samples 2006

This dataset provides a list of the tests undertaken by APHA testing laboratories on avian samples in 2006 paid for by commercial contracts. The dataset includes the following fields: Year; Species...

Laboratory Tests (Commercial) - Avian Samples 2015

This dataset provides a list of the tests undertaken by APHA testing laboratories on avian samples in 2015 paid for by commercial contracts. The dataset includes the following fields: Year; Species...

Laboratory Tests (Commercial) - Cattle Samples 2011

This dataset provides a list of the tests undertaken by APHA testing laboratories on cattle samples in 2011 paid for by commercial contracts. The dataset includes the following fields: Year;...

Laboratory Tests (Commercial) - Pigs Samples 2014

This dataset provides a list of the tests undertaken by APHA testing laboratories on pigs samples in 2014 paid for by commercial contracts. The dataset includes the following fields: Year; Species...

Laboratory Tests (Commercial) - Avian Samples 2009

This dataset provides a list of the tests undertaken by APHA testing laboratories on avian samples in 2009 paid for by commercial contracts. The dataset includes the following fields: Year; Species...

Laboratory Tests (Commercial) - Avian Samples 2008

This dataset provides a list of the tests undertaken by APHA testing laboratories on avian samples in 2008 paid for by commercial contracts. The dataset includes the following fields: Year; Species...

Laboratory Tests (Commercial) - Avian Samples 2010

This dataset provides a list of the tests undertaken by APHA testing laboratories on avian samples in 2010 paid for by commercial contracts. The dataset includes the following fields: Year; Species...

Laboratory Tests (Commercial) - Avian Samples 2013

This dataset provides a list of the tests undertaken by APHA testing laboratories on avian samples in 2013 paid for by commercial contracts. The dataset includes the following fields: Year; Species...