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UKTI's internationalisation strategies, barriers and awareness survey

The survey is a telephone-based survey of a sample of 950 UK firms who either already export, or who intend to begin doing so within the next year. It captures evidence about: UK businesses’...

Index of Deprivation 2007 - Wider Barriers Sub-domain

ID 2007 Wider Barriers Subdomain (issues relating to access to housing such as affordability) Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG): ID 2007 Publisher: Communities and Local Government...

Index of Deprivation 2004 - Wider Barriers Sub-domain

ID 2004 Wider Barriers Subdomain (issues relating to access to housing such as affordability) Source: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM): ID 2004 Publisher: Communities and Local Government...

Index of Deprivation 2007 - Geographical Barriers Sub-domain

ID 2007: Geographical Barriers to Services subdomain (distances from a range of key local services) Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG): ID 2007 Publisher: Communities and Local...

Index of Deprivation 2004 - Geographical Barriers Sub-domain

ID 2004: Geographical Barriers to Services Subdomain (distances from a range of key local services) Source: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM): ID 2004 Publisher: Communities and Local...


protected_lanes Poly-line dataset indicating geographic location of Protected Lanes in the Tendring District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the...

Protected Hedgerows

Dataset showing Protected Hedgerows as identified in the Protected Hedgerows Act 1997 (Regulation 5,1,A), record as a polyline. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted...

Protected Vistas

shows the boundaries of the london-wide protected views which intersect with lambeth


This is a polygon dataset that shows the Protected Hedgerow in the Braintree District

Protected lanes

This is a line dataset used to identify Protected lanes (1996-2005 Adopted Local Plan)

LVMF Protected Vistas

The London View Management Framework (LVMF) protects key views of London from parks or other well-used public spaces that help define London. Further details set out in the LVMF Supplementary...

Child Protection Plan

Rreferrals, assessment and children and young people who are the subjects of child protection plans (on the child protection register) from year ending March 2009


Dataset showing Protected Hedgerows as identified in the Protected Hedgerows Act 1997 (Regulation 5,1,A). Note that removal of all other rural hedgerows is subject to council application.

Tree Protection Orders

showing location of individual trees on private land which are covered by Tree Protection Orders within London Borough of Lambeth; these protect the trees from works and felling without council...

Special Protection Areas

Special Protection Areas (SPA). Strictly protected sites classified in accordance with Article 4 of the EC Birds Directive 1979. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have...

Special Protection Areas

Special Protection Areas (SPA). Strictly protected sites classified in accordance with Article 4 of the EC Birds Directive 1979. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have...

Tree Protection Orders

Shows areas containg tress with Protection Orders

Species Protection Point

Dataset showing Habitat species, protection locations across the borough

Child Protection Statistics, Scotland

The number of child protection referrals, case conferences, registrations, de-registrations and the number on child protection registers. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National...

Tree Protection Orders

shows the boundaries and location of tree protection orders in lambeth