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1,134 results found

London Development Database SQL Extract

This is a copy of the final London Development Database. This is the entire LDD database exported as a .sql.tar using pg_dump. For information on how to use this file and details of the database...

MoJ extract of Police National Computer

Extract of selected fields from the Police National Computer (PNC).

MarESA Sensitivity Assessment Extract: Biotopes & Species

MarESA sensitivity assessment extract for biotopes and species, updated 2020-11-12. Provides sensitivity scores for pressure/feature combinations and associated confidence scores.

Extractive Materials Management Statement Summaries - Corporate Entities Only

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA203. Extractive Materials Management Statements are sent in by operators of mines and quarries to demonstrate that extractive materials produced on...

North Lincolnshire Council Mineral Sites - Area for Future Sand Extraction

North Lincolnshire Council Mineral Sites - Area for Future Sand Extraction represented as polygons.

North Lincolnshire Council Mineral Sites - Area for Future Sand Extraction

Mineral Sites - Area for Future Sand Extraction digitised with reference to Ordnance Survey MasterMap.

North Lincolnshire Council Mineral Sites - Area for Future Sand Extraction

Mineral Sites - Area for Future Sand Extraction digitised with reference to Ordnance Survey MasterMap.

LP Minerals Area of Preferred Extension for Sand and Gravel Extraction

Area of Preferred Extension for Sand and Gravel Extraction

Postcode Extract Tool


Annual Salary Extract

Details of high value annual salaries for HM Treasury

NHS Postcode Directory for the UK Extract (August 2016)

This file contains the 'Extract' NHS Postcode Directory (NHSPD) as at August 2016. The NHSPD relates both current and terminated postcodes in the United Kingdom to a selection of health...

Relationship and Entity Extraction Evaluation Dataset (Documents)

This document dataset was the output of a project aimed to create a 'gold standard' dataset that could be used to train and validate machine learning approaches to natural language processing...

Relationship and Entity Extraction Evaluation Dataset (Entities)

This entities dataset was the output of a project aimed to create a 'gold standard' dataset that could be used to train and validate machine learning approaches to natural language processing...

Relationship and Entity Extraction Evaluation Dataset (Relations)

This relations dataset was the output of a project aimed to create a 'gold standard' dataset that could be used to train and validate machine learning approaches to natural language processing...

Measurement of labile metal in soils. Chemical extraction and isotopic dilution data

This dataset contains the concentrations of Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb, extracted from four soils, using the chemical extractants: 0.43 M HNO3, 0.43 M CH3COOH, 1 M CaCl2 and 0.05 M Na2H2EDTA (MExt...

NHS Postcode Directory for the UK Extract (February 2017)

This file contains the 'Extract' NHS Postcode Directory (NHSPD) as at February 2017. The NHSPD relates both current and terminated postcodes in the United Kingdom to a selection of health...

NHS Postcode Directory for the UK Extract (November 2016)

This file contains the 'Extract' NHS Postcode Directory (NHSPD) as at November 2016. The NHSPD relates both current and terminated postcodes in the United Kingdom to a selection of health...

DNPA Mineral Extraction Areas

Dataset originates from mapping held by Devon County Council in relation to Minerals Consultation Areas (subsequently Minerals Safeguarding Areas) - taken on by DNPA as legislative change made DNPA...

NHS Postcode Directory for the UK Extract (May 2021)

This file contains the 'Extract' NHS Postcode Directory (NHSPD) as at May 2021. The NHSPD relates both current and terminated postcodes in the United Kingdom to a selection of health geographies....

NHS Postcode Directory for the UK Extract (August 2021)

This file contains the 'Extract' NHS Postcode Directory (NHSPD) as at August 2021. The NHSPD relates both current and terminated postcodes in the United Kingdom to a selection of health...