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134 results found

Funding money

Wilton Park - Amount of funding by funder per conference or overall

NI 179 - Value for money - total net value of ongoing cash-releasing value for money gains that have impacted since the start of the 2008-09 financial year

All parts of the public sector need to continue to seek and implement ways to deliver higher quality public services with the resources that are available. This means enhancing value for money and...

2004, ATP Oil & Gas UK Ltd, UKCS 42/25, 43/24, Garrow, Trent Tie-In, Pipeline/Cable Route Survey, BGS Reference Number AO04SS0001

An oil and gas industry site survey for a pipeline/cable route (UKCS 42/25 to 43/24 Garrow to Trent Tie-In) acquired between October and November 2004. The block numbers traversed were 42/25,...

Age model tie points and micropalaeontological data for International Ocean Discovery Program Hole U1488A, southern part of the Eauripik Rise, Pacific Ocean

Age model tie points and micropalaeontological data for International Ocean Discovery Program Hole U1488A. Relative abundances of Neogloboquadrina acostaensis and six morphospecies of Pulleniatina...

2006, ConocoPhillips, Judy Gas Alternative Tie-In, Pipeline/Cable Route Survey, BGS Reference Number CS06SS0001

An oil and gas industry site survey for a pipeline/cable route acquired between November and December 2006. The block numbers traversed were 29/1, 29/11, 29/12, 29/2, 29/6 and 29/7.

Field notes from Iceland (NERC grant NE/P002331/1)

Direct geological observations made during field work, tied to positional information collected by hand-held GPS.

S106 agreements

GIS representation of the Council’s register of Section 106 (S106) agreements. The locations refer to the development from which the money was raised, not where the money is spent. These...


Dataset on projects funded using ERDF 2000-06 money.


Dataset on projects funded using ERDF 2007-13 money.

Revenue Losses

The money owed to HMRC that has been written off. Updated: monthly.

Revenue Losses

The money owed to HMRC that has been written off. Updated: monthly.

Firearms compensation database

Amount of money paid out in compensation following the surrender of hand guns.

2003, ConocoPhillips, 48/10 Saturn, Pipeline/Cable Route Survey, BGS Reference Number CS03SS0003

An oil and gas industry site survey for a pipeline/cable route (Saturn Proposed Platform Location to 49/16-Loggs Tie-In) acquired between December and January 2003. The block numbers traversed were...

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Annual Audit Letter 2019

An independent audit of the financial statements and value for money offered by the council

Intervention Yield

Amount of money we expect to receive as a result of compliance activity. Updated: monthly.

Intervention Yield

Amount of money we expect to receive as a result of compliance activity. Updated: monthly.

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Annual Audit Letter 2018

An independent audit of the financial statements and value for money offered by the council

1997, Kerr McGee North Sea (UK) Ltd, Janice Field Development (UKCS 30/17 to UKCS 30/13), Pipeline/Cable Route Survey, BGS Reference Number KM97SS0002

An oil and gas industry site survey for a pipeline/cable route (Janice UKCS 30/17 oil export to wye-piece tie-in UKCS 30/13) acquired between October and November 1997. The block numbers traversed...

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Annual Audit Letter 2016

An independent audit of the financial statements and value for money offered by the council.

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Annual Audit Letter 2015

An independent audit of the financial statements and value for money offered by the council.