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Aquatic carbon and greenhouse gas concentrations in the Auchencorth Moss catchment following drain blocking

This dataset contains concentrations of dissolved organic carbon, inorganic carbon, CO2, CH4 and N2O in the Black Burn stream which drains Auchencorth Moss peatland in South East Scotland....

Baseflow chemistry of streams draining rural and agricultural land in the Wolds region of eastern England

Data from a water quality survey of streams draining rural and agricultural land to the North Sea from the Wolds region of the West Riding of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire in eastern England. These...

Water quality survey of streams across Wales: runoff from forested and felled catchments draining a range of soil types

This data provides the results of a survey of the water quality of small streams draining forested and felled catchments across Wales. The water quality measurements are extensive, including...

Mini-catchment weir records from an impact study of drain cleaning on water flows (Coalburn, Scotland)

Coalburn in the north of England is Britain's longest running forest hydrology research catchment, providing a unique record of the long-term effects of conifer afforestation on upland water...

Thurrock Natural & Semi-natural Greenspace

Natural and Semi Natural Green Space. This data supports the Greengrid and Local Development Framework Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public...

Natural and Semi-Natural Openspace

Natural and Semi-Natural urban green spaces. This dataset is currently under review and its accuracy is subject to the review. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have...

Local Nature Reserves (Scotland - NatureScot)

LNRs are established in a variety of locations with very varied habitats and species. They must lie wholly within the area of jurisdiction of the local authority which declares them...

Nature Reserves

This is a polygon dataset and identifies Nature Reserves within the Maldon District

Natural Heritage Futures

Many countries around the world have begun to adopt zonation systems as a strategic framework to guide their approach to the conservation, enhancement, understanding and use of the natural...

UK Natural Capital

This article provides the monetary estimates of the UK natural capital. Natural capital includes all natural resources including ecosystem assets and the services that they provide. Valuation of...

Natural neighbourhoods

Natural neighbourhoods are neighbourhood definitions and boundaries created during a consultation with Edinburgh residents. Natural neighbourhood boundaries were created in 2004 as part of a review...

Nature Conservation Orders

Nature Conservation Orders (NCOs) are made to protect any natural feature of land that is within (1) a site of special scientific interest (SSSI), (2) a European site or (3) other land of special...

Nature Improvement Areas

NIAs are areas of the country where partnerships have been set up to enhance the natural environment. NIAs embody an integrated, holistic approach that was signalled in the Natural Environment...

Local Nature Reserves

Local Nature Reserves (or LNRs) are for both people and wildlife. They are places with wildlife or geological features that are of special interest locally, which give people special opportunites...

National Nature Reserves

In Northern Ireland statutory nature reserves are areas of importance for flora, fauna, geological or other special feature for conservation purposes and to provide the opportunity for research....

Local Nature Reserves

local nature reserves

Local Nature Reserves

Local Nature Reserves in Stockport

Local Nature Reserves

Local Nature Reserves at Carlisle City Council

Local Nature Reserve

Local Nature Reserves within Chichester District Council

Local Nature Reserves

Data showing location and boundaries of all Local Nature Reserves within Plymouth.