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251 results found

Play Areas Parks

Play Areas in Parks within Luton.

Playing Pitches

Playing pitches informed by the Playing Pitches Strategy 2017-22. Contains data on area, which are open to the public, how many pitches, capacity, condition of pitch, etc. For further information...

Sunderland Play Areas

List of 118 play areas run by the Council and Sunderland Housing Group.

Childrens Play Area

The Purpose of the feature is to show the location of Childrens Play Areas.

Belfast Play Centres

This data set contains information about our play centres, data items include; name, address, longitude, latitude

Playing Areas in York

Playing Areas in York.

Rochford Play Spaces

This dataset shows the location of Play Spaces within the Rochford District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence –...

Temporary Play Street Orders

Point locations of Temporary Play Street Orders (TPSO) processed by Bristol City Council. A TPSO closes a street to traffic to let children play safely. The closure can take place as often as once...

Childrens Play Equipment

Childrens and Young Persons Space fixed equipment within Children's Play Grounds (CPG), Wheels Parks, Teen Shelters and Multi-use Games Areas (MUGA) the latter being mainly used by young persons...

Sunderland School Playing Fields

List of School Playing Fields within the Sunderland City Council boundary.

Bassetlaw District Council Childrens Play Area

The dataset from 2012 includes land classified as Children's Play Areas within the Bassetlaw District Area. The Children's Play Areas dataset contains information such as locations, settlements,...

Ryedale District Council Playing Fields

Playing Fields for Ryedale District Council Local Planning Authority Area

TWBC Open Data - Play areas

Play Areas in the Borough managed by Tunbridge Wells Borough Council

Belfast Sport Pitches Playing Fields

This data set contains information about our sports pitches and playing fields, data items include; name, address, longitude, latitude


Dataset showing Sports Pitches And Playing Fields (Policy CS9) as identified in Local Plan Core Strategy submission proposals map adopted June 2013.

St Albans City and District Council Play Areas

Childrens play areas for ages 0-18 years with a range of play equipment available. Includes skateboard parks and BMX tracks.

Ipswich Borough Council - Existing Playing Field

Existing playing fields which act as stepping stones to improve connectivity between core areas enabling species to move, feed, disperse, migrate or reproduce.

Play Areas in The Highland Council area.

Play Areas in The Highland Council area.

Total Regional Review Dinantian Play SNS (2007)

Abstract: A regional review by Total E & P on the Dinantian (Lower Carboniferous) carbonate play in the Southern North Sea and Onshore UK. This report was prepared for the UK Department of...

Draft Playing Pitch Strategy 2017

The purpose of the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) is to provide a robust future action plan for sports facilities in Barnet. The outcomes arising from the assessment will inform the LBB...