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527 results found

Waste food disposal options review

Review of options for disposal of food contaminated with biological threat list agents

Access to Finance

This release reports on the results of a survey into small and medium-sized businesses needs for finance and how easy or difficult they found it to obtain. It covers 2007 and 2010. It was the first...

Adult Learning Option Pilot

The Adult Learning Option Pilot enabled those on benefits to take up full-time study for their first Level 2 qualification, without loss of benefits. The data includes a record of the...

Environmental Stewardship Scheme Options (England)

Environmental Stewardship Live Option Points derived from Genesis tables. Attribution statement: © Rural Payments Agency copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database...

Public Sector Finances

Latest data on the Public Sector Net Borrowing, Net debt and the cash requirement. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Public Sector Finances

Monthly estimates of the main public sector finance statistics are issued jointly by the Office for National Statistics and HM Treasury. Source agency: HM Treasury Designation: National...

FGS Woodland Creation - Options

Scotland’s woodlands and forests are a vital national resource and play an important role in rural development and sustainable land use. As well as helping to reduce the impacts of climate change...

Student Finance Customer Accounts System

Student Finance customer accounts operational data. Contains data on all payments of student finance to individuals, institutions and suppliers (suppliers of Disabled Students' Allowance services)....

FGS WIG Restructuring Regeneration - Options

Scotland’s woodlands and forests are a vital national resource and play an important role in rural development and sustainable land use. As well as helping to reduce the impacts of climate change...

Tax Increment Financing (TIF)

This work sets out the background to the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) model, and describes some case studies in which TIFs have been used, both here in the UK, and in the US.

Organic Farming Scheme Options (England)

Organic Farming Scheme Options points. The aim of the OFS is to encourage the expansion of organic production. Under the scheme, farmers moving from conventional to organic farming methods receive...

Open Accounts Finance Ledger System

The main finance system storing all financial transactions. Used as the transactional record from which annual statutory accounts are prepared

Entry Level Scheme (ELS) Directed Option Choice Trial

Evaluating the impacts of limiting free choice in management option selection by Entry Level Stewardship (ELS) applicants

Local Authority Revenue Expenditure and Financing, England

Provides estimates of revenue expenditure and financing for Local Authorities. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

Adult Social Care Activity and Finance Report

This report takes data from the Adult Social Care Finance Return (ASC-FR), Short and Long Term (SALT) collection and Deferred Payment Agreements (DPA) return to provide information regarding adult...

LA Revenue expenditure and financing - England

LA Revenue expenditure & financing England Budget, Provisonal Outturn & Final Outturn

Higher Education Provider Data: Finance

We publish the full HESA Finance return as open data, with the exception of text information provided by HE providers for the reference of funding and regulatory bodies. These tables include data...

Department of Finance Information Asset Register

The register is a list of personal and non-personal information assets held by the Department of Finance (DoF).

Environmentally Sensitive Area Scheme Options (England)

Environmentally Sensitive Area Scheme Live Option Points derived from AESIS tables. The Environmentally Sensitive Areas Scheme was introduced in 1987 to offer incentives to encourage farmers to...

Private Finance Initiative (PFI) provider Monthly Report

Monthly report covering performance of Private Finance Initiative (PFI) provider's estate management services.