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42 results found

Council- Owned Garages

Oxford City Council-owned garages that are made available to the public to rent

Home insulation levels in Great Britain

Updates to this release can now be found in the dataset Green Deal/ECO and home insulation levels in Great Britain statistics. Estimates of the number of homes with loft insulation and cavity...

Great British Insulation Scheme

Data to monitor the installation of energy efficiency measures in domestic properties via the Great British Insulation Scheme (GBIS). First 3 releases were based on TrustMark data; subsequent...

Council Allotment Garage Blocks

Garage blocks located on Council owned land used for Allotments. Areas are recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public...

Green Deal/ECO and home insulation levels in Great Britain statistics

This release presents statistics on the number of Green Deal assessments, and the number and type of energy efficiency measures installed; the release includes estimates of the number of homes with...

Green Deal(GD)/ECO and home insulation levels in Great Britain statistics

Updates to this release can now be found in the dataset Household Energy Efficiency statistics. This release presents statistics on the number of Green Deal assessments lodged, the number of...

Lambeth Housing Garage Blocks

shows the boundaries and location of lambeth housing sites

List of Acceptable Equipment

List of equipment that is acceptable for garages to use by class. It ensures that garages buy approved equipment. VOSA staff use the database and garages use a paper copy.

Energy Follow Up Survey (EFUS) Interview data - 18 datasets

One-off detailed energy use survey - reporting on type and patterns of main and secondary heating systems, water heating system and usage and dwelling insulation information

Warm Front close out report

This report marks the final year of the Warm Front scheme after more than a decade of providing heating and insulation measures to low income and vulnerable customers across England.


Holds graded sanitised intelligence relating to UK and non UK vehicle operators, MOT garages.


Spatial layer of buildings. Attributes: Pump House, Office, Workshop, Gauge House, Garage, Residential, Boat Shed

Warm Front Close Out Report

This report marks the final year of the Warm Front scheme after more than a decade of providing heating and insulation measures to low income and vulnerable customers across England.

Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT) data at regional, local authority and Parliamentary Constituency level

This data provides a geographic distribution of professionally installed measures - currently cavity wall and loft insulation - claimed under the Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT) scheme....

Interactive maps

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy have published a series of interactive maps. The maps bring together BEIS's Local Authority datasets into one place allowing users to...

London Fuel Poverty Risk Indicators, Wards

These [fuel poverty risk indicators]( provide users with a nuanced picture of the impact of various...

CABE Dwelling Size Study

Floor space provided in 200 typical houses and flats across England. Raw data on room sizes, GIA, NIA, in sq m, plus additional data such as garages, numbers of bathrooms and design occupancy...

AIMS Building Compounds

An asset that is used to provide shelter for equipment, storage or personnel. Asset Sub Type: Pump House, Office, Workshop, Gauge House, Garage, Residential, Boat Shed For more information visit...

NI 187b - Tackling fuel poverty - percentage of people receiving income based benefits living in homes with a high energy efficiency rating

Fuel poverty is the requirement to spend 10% or more of household income to maintain an adequate level or warmth. The energy efficiency of a house can be measured using the Standard Assessment...

NI 187a - Tackling fuel poverty - percentage of people receiving income based benefits living in homes with a low energy efficiency rating

Fuel poverty is the requirement to spend 10% or more of household income to maintain an adequate level or warmth. The energy efficiency of a house can be measured using the Standard Assessment...