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The London View Management Framework (LVMF) protects key views of London from parks or other well-used public spaces that help define London. Further details set out in the LVMF Supplementary...

Bridge Height Restrictions

A list of bridges and their height restrictions

St Paul's Heights Points

The St Paul’s Heights policy framework is set out in Local Plan Protected Views Policy CS13. Further guidance set out in the St Paul’s and Monument Views Supplementary Planning Guidance 2002. St...

St Paul's Heights Grid

The St Paul’s Heights policy framework is set out in City Plan 2036 Strategic Policy S13: Protected Views and Local Plan Protected Views Policy CS13. Further guidance set out in the St Paul’s and...

St Paul's Heights Setback

The St Paul’s Heights policy framework is set out in Local Plan Protected Views Policy CS13. Further guidance set out in the St Paul’s and Monument Views Supplementary Planning Guidance 2002. St...

St Pauls Heights Policy Area

The St Paul’s Heights policy framework is set out in City Plan 2036 Strategic Policy S13: Protected Views and Local Plan 2015 Protected Views Policy CS13. Further guidance set out in the St Paul’s...

OS MasterMap Building Height Attribute

OS MasterMap Topography Layer – Building Height Attribute shows building height properties to help manage assets, plan works and visualise urban density. Building Height Attribute is an...

Plynlimon research catchments: spot heights

Spot heights (elevation values in metres) for areas within the Plynlimon catchments; digitised from scanned topographic maps of Plynlimon Catchment Areas.

OSNI Open Data - BenchMarks - Height

OSNI Benchmark data consists of point data giving the location of the points, along with the associated text which shows the height value. Bench marks are shown in metres above mean sea level....

OSNI Open Data - BenchMarks - Height

OSNI Benchmark data consists of point data giving the location of the points, along with the associated text which shows the height value. Bench marks are shown in metres above mean sea level....

OSNI Open Data - BenchMarks - Height

OSNI Benchmark data consists of point data giving the location of the points, along with the associated text which shows the height value. Bench marks are shown in metres above mean sea level....

OSNI Open Data - BenchMarks - Height

OSNI Benchmark data consists of point data giving the location of the points, along with the associated text which shows the height value. Bench marks are shown in metres above mean sea level....

OSNI Open Data - BenchMarks - Height

OSNI Benchmark data consists of point data giving the location of the points, along with the associated text which shows the height value. Bench marks are shown in metres above mean sea level....

OSNI Open Data - BenchMarks - Height

OSNI Benchmark data consists of point data giving the location of the points, along with the associated text which shows the height value. Bench marks are shown in metres above mean sea level....

OSNI Open Data - BenchMarks - Height

OSNI Benchmark data consists of point data giving the location of the points, along with the associated text which shows the height value. Bench marks are shown in metres above mean sea level....

OSNI Open Data - BenchMarks - Height

OSNI Benchmark data consists of point data giving the location of the points, along with the associated text which shows the height value. Bench marks are shown in metres above mean sea level....

OSNI Open Data - BenchMarks - Height

OSNI Benchmark data consists of point data giving the location of the points, along with the associated text which shows the height value. Bench marks are shown in metres above mean sea level....

Bridge Height Restrictions in The Highland Council area.

Locations of bridge height restrictions over roads adopted by The Highland Council.

City Airport Manchester Safeguarding Zone - buildings exceeding specified height

Dataset showing areas of the city (known as safeguarding zones) where the city council should consult with City Airport Manchester for the following: buildings, structures, erections and works. In...

Manchester Airport Safeguarding Zone - buildings exceeding 90m in height

Dataset showing an area of the city (known as a safeguarding zone) where the city council should consult with Manchester Airport when development for buildings, structures, erections and works...