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570 results found

Mobile library

Details on the location and days of the moblie library.

Mobile Library Timetable

Locations, days of the weeks and times of Warwickshire County Council's Mobile Library service.

Mobile phone masts

This dataset provides information on mobile phone masts located on Leeds City Council property, respective lease information and annual rent charges concerning them.

Social mobility index

The social mobility index of England sets out the differences between where children grow up and the chances they have of doing well in adult life. More details available at:...

Mobile Library Stops

Mobile Library Stops in York. For further information please visit [explore York]( *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a...

Google Mobility by Borough

These data provide evidence of how movement in London was been affected by the various control measures for COVID-19 and how much they recovered once those measures were eased. **NOTE: Google...

A quarterly updated list of all mutuals supported by the Mutuals Support Programme, according to public service area in which they are supported

Number of Mutuals supported by the Mutuals Support Programme according to the number of public service areas in which they are supported. For more information on the programme please visit...

Lost, stolen and recovered mobiles, laptops and removable media

These tables present annual figures for lost, stolen and recovered blackberries, mobile phones, laptops and removable media at the Home Office, from 2005 onwards. .

Books Borrowed - Mobile Library

Books Borrowed - Mobile Library

Library Visits - Mobile Library

Library Visits - Mobile Library

Mobile food vendors/Street traders

Mobile food vendors/Street traders

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Mobility Report

**_Due to changes in the collection and availability of data on COVID-19, this website will no longer be updated. The webpage will no longer be available as of 11 May 2023. On-going, reliable...

CYC Mobile App - Grand Total

CYC Mobile App - Grand Total *This indicator has been discontinued

Updated list of mutuals supported by MSP and service areas

Number of Mutuals supported by the Mutuals Support Programme according to the number of public service areas in which they are supported. For more information on the programme please visit...

Joint Support Unit Northwood Mechanical Transport Tasks

The total number of Mechanical Transport tasks requested and carried out by Joint Support Unit (JSU) Northwood

Total Number of Visitors to Joint Support Unit Northwood

The total number of visitors to Joint Support Unit (JSU) Northwood and whether they were MOD visitors or contractors and whether they required car passes.

Community support organisations

A list of some of the community support organisations in Leeds.  We appreciate this is a fraction of what is actually going on so if you're not on here, please get in touch and we'll add...

Leeds support services

A dataset showing organisations which provide a support service. This dataset includes local and national organisations, their locations, contact details and the type of support they provide where...

Lichfield District Council Mobile Caravan Sites

This points of interest dataset has been sourced from the District Council’s revenue systems, Council Tax and Non domestic rates database. The data is held within the Council Local Land and...

Peterborough Mobile food vendors/Street traders

Dataset detailing Mobile food vendor / street trader licencees. Data includes name, trading location and type of licence