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103 results found

Allerdale Local Development Orders

Local Development Orders extend Permitted Development Rights under the Local Development Document. Extent of Order defined by polygon captured by the Planning Policy Unit

Allerdale Disabled Facilities Grant Land Charge

Disabled Facilities Grant recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent.

Allerdale Emergency Prohibition Order Land Charge

Emergency Prohibition Order Land Charge expressed as a polygon extent. Charges appears to be a mix of Closing Orders, Demolition Orders and Undertakings

Allerdale Revocation of Planning Permission Land Charge

Revocation of Planning Permission recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent.

Allerdale Undertakings Land Charge

Unilateral Undertakings recorded as land Charges and expressed as polygon extents. A Unilateral Undertaking is a simplified version of a Planning Agreement and is only entered into by the...

Allerdale Advertisement Control Exclusion Areas

Allerdale Planning Constraint on Advertisement Control Exclusion Areas. Expressed as Polygons

Allerdale Section 158 Agreements Land Charge

Section 158 Agreement expressed as a Land Charge and recorded as polygons. Registered under the Water Resources Act 1991 for water resource purposes.

Allerdale Policy Conservation

Allerdale Planning Policy of Conservation Areas as defined under the 1999 Local Plan and expressed as polygons. Policy updated in 2014 to 2029 with actual end date being indeterminate as individual...

Allerdale Section 38 Agreements Land Charge

Section 38 Agreements recorded as Land Charges and expressed as polygons. A Section 38 is a Highways adoption agreement recorded on behalf of Allerdale Borough Council by the Highway Authority -...

Allerdale Recycling Site Data

Location of known Recycling Sites defining the types of recycling available and the hours and the degree of access to the site. Each site expressed as a point and used for Customer Transformation.

Allerdale Article 4 Directions Planning

Article 4 Directions from planning restricts the scope of permitted development rights either in relation to a particular area or site, or a particular type of development anywhere in the...

Allerdale Article 4 Directions Land Charge

Article 4 Directions recorded as Land Charges throughout Allerdale expressed as polygons

Allerdale Advance Payment Exception Land Charge

Advance Payment notice Exception recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent.

Allerdale Building Over Sewer Land Charge

Building Over Sewer recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent.

Allerdale Dedicated Instrument Land Charge

Dedicated Instrument recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as polygon extents

Allerdale Demolition Revocation Order Land Charge

Revocation for Removal or closure or substitution of an existing Demolition Order. Recorded as a land Charge and expressed as a Polygon extent.

Allerdale Locality Administartive Areas

Allerdale Locality Administrative Areas expressed as polygon extents for each area. Main areas for administration primarily for use by Street Scene Officers for Environmental Services.

Allerdale Environmentally Sensitive Area Land Charge

Environmentally Sensitive Areas recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent

Allerdale MOD Safeguarding Zone Planning Constraint

MOD Safegurading Zone expressed as a polygon extent constraining planning applications within the defined area.

Allerdale Policy Coastal Zone

Allerdale Coastal Zone Policy defined through the 1999 Local Plan. Policy updated in 2014 to 2029 with actual end date being indeterminate as individual sites will be subject to local interest...