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5 results found

Planning Applications in Barnsley

Planning applications received and processed by Barnsley MBC since 2005. A full dataset version including the Geox, GeoY and UPRN derived from Ordnance Survey data can only be released for “using...

Licensed Premises in Barnsley

This dataset lists all live Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates issued within the borough of Barnsley. It does not include details of Temporary Event Notices (TENs).

BMBC Area Councils

The role of the Area Council is to agree the local priorities for action in your area. It is represented by all the Elected Members for these wards, using information the residents of Barnsley tell...

BMBC Allotments


Barnsley Council Local Plan – Settlement

Boundary showing the geographical areas of urban Barnsley and the Principal Towns, at the time of the Local Plan adoption.