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6 results found

Belfast Air Quality Monitoring Stations

This data set contains information on air quality monitoring stations in Belfast including location, height and pollutants checked for. This does NOT include the actual monitored data itself; this...

Belfast City Council properties and use

This data set contains information about council buildings including the address, map co-ordinates and what the building is used for.

Belfast City Council Jobs

Contains information about current vacancies in the council. This includes job title, salary and deadline date for application.

Belfast Street Trees

Contains information about the trees located on Belfast streets. This includes the location, species, age, condition etc..

Belfast events

This data set contains information about events taking place in Belfast including date, location, time and a brief description

Belfast food premises hygiene inspections

Contains information about food premises, such as restaurants and takeaways, in Belfast. This includes the name and address of premises as well as their food hygiene inspection rating of between 1...