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38 results found

BDC Contracts Register

This dataset contains details of all contracts Blaby District Council has with a value or potential value in excess of £5000. This information will be updated quarterly.

Cooling Towers Public Register


BDC Counter-Fraud Work

This dataset contains details of the Council's counter-fraud work, including the number of investigations carried and the amount spent. It will be updated on an annual basis.

Assets of Community Value

This dataset contains a list of all applications, both successful and unsuccessful, for registration of assets of community value under the Community Right to Bid. The Community Right to Bid...

BDC Tree Preservation Orders

This dataset contains details of all tree preservation orders made within Blaby District, including co-ordinate data. It will be updated as and when new orders are approved.

Trade Union Facility Time

This dataset contains details of all trade unions currently represented within the Council and their representatives. Facility time refers to time off given to representatives to allow them to...

Consultant and Agency Spend

This dataset contains details of all Council expenditure on consultants and agency staff for each financial year from 2010/11 onwards. It will be updated on an annual basis.

Translation Costs

This dataset contains details of all translation and interpreting costs incurred by Blaby District Council for each financial year since 2011/12. It will be updated on an annual basis.

FOI/EIR Disclosure Log

This dataset contains details of all Freedom of Information and Environmental Information requests received within a given calendar year.

ICT Equipment

This dataset contains details of all ICT equipment currently owned by the Council, including contract details where applicable.

ICT Spend

This dataset contains a breakdown of ICT expenditure by the Council in each financial year, including hardware, software telecoms and other expenses. It will be updated on an annual basis.

BDC Gifts & Hospitalities Register

Blaby District Council hold a register of all Gifts and hospitalities received by Council staff. We treat the acceptance of gifts with extreme caution, the rules on accepting gifts and...

Blaby Listed Buildings

Listed Buildings located within the District of Blaby

INSPIRE WMS (View) Service

INSPIRE WMS (View) Service

INSPIRE WFS (Download) Service

INSPIRE WFS (Download) Service

Policies and Strategies

This dataset contains a list of all of Blaby District Council's Policies and Strategies, including links to the documents themselves. It will be updated on a quarterly basis.

Community Grants

This dataset contains details of grants made to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations within the previous financial year. It will be updated on an annual basis at the end of each...

District Election Results

This dataset contains details of the Blaby District Council elections, which take place every four years. This information will be updated shortly after each election.

Parking Account

This dataset contains all income and expenditure on the Council's parking account for a given financial year. This information will be updated on an annual basis and, if applicable, will include...

Parking Spaces

This dataset contains details of all off-street parking managed by Blaby District Council. The information will be updated on an annually basis, or sooner if signficant changes to the number of...