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139 results found

LP Minerals Area of Preferred Extension to Controlled Brine field

Area of Preferred Extension to Controlled Brine field

LP Minerals Area of Preferred Extension for Sand and Gravel Extraction

Area of Preferred Extension for Sand and Gravel Extraction


Polygon data to indicate sites and policies of the Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy 2010-2030


Point data to indicate sites and policies within Congleton Borough Local Plan saved policies


Polygon data to indicate sites and policies within Congleton Borough Local Plan saved policies


Label data to indicate sites and policies within Congleton Borough Local Plan saved policies


Line data to indicate sites and policies within Crewe and Nantwich Borough Local Plan saved policies


Point data to indicate sites and policies within Crewe and Nantwich Borough Local Plan saved policies


Polygon data to indicate sites and policies within Crewe and Nantwich Borough Local Plan saved policies


Line data to indicate sites and policies within Macclesfield Borough Local Plan saved policies


Point data to indicate sites and policies within Macclesfield Borough Local Plan saved policies


Green Infrastructure in Cheshire East. The file contains OS MasterMap features catagorised into green infrastructure typologies, and an assessment of the functionality of the feature.

Public Rights of way Footpaths

A working copy of the Definitive Map and Statement, the legal record of Public Rights of Way (PROW).  This dataset should not be used for legal purposes; the Public Right of Way data is essentially...

Tree Preservation Orders (Points)

tpo point

Brownfield Register Sites

Brownfield land registers are locations of previously developed land within Cheshire East that are consider appropriate for residential development.

Tree Preservation Orders (Areas)

tpo poly

Property Ownership

Cheshire East Property Ownership Available via:- a) ArcGIS Desktop b) Intranet - WebGIS c) Digital Mapping Service d) Data.Gov.UK - filtered The layer shows the extent of Cheshire East Borough...

Local Wildlife Sites

Boundaries of Local Wildlife Sites (non-statutory nature conservation sites). The intellectual property rights to this dataset are shared between Cheshire East and Cheshire Willdife Trust

Bus routes in Cheshire East

Bus Routes - Cheshire East Local Bus Network