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19 results found

Settlement Boundaries

All settlements classed in the hierarchy as Service Villages or above are defined by Settlement Boundaries. These boundaries indicate the areas where new development will generally be permitted,...

SPA Buffer Zone

This policy relates to an interim mitigation strategy prepared by local authorities in collaboration with Natural England and key stakeholders. The policy applies to development proposals within...

Tree Preservation Order

Tree Preservation Orders for Chichester District Council – Groups, Areas and Woodlands


Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Chichester, District


Air Quality Management Areas defined by Chichester District Council

Article 4 directions

Article 4 directions areas within Chichester District Council

Conservation Areas

Conservation areas are designated by Local, Planning authorities as areas of special architectural or historic interest the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance.

Development around the Coast

Outside Settlement Boundaries and service villages, the character of the District's coast, small coastal villages and hamlets should be protected and enhanced. Development in close proximity to the...

Horticultural Development Area

To ensure that the District’s horticultural industry remains nationally and internationally competitive, it is important that sufficient suitable sites are available. To support this activity, the...

Individual Tree Preservation Orders

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is an order made by a local planning authority in respect of trees or woodlands. The principal effect of a TPO is to prohibit the: cutting down, uprooting, topping,...

Land and Property Gazetteer

Dataset of land and property assets, where the Council has either has an ownership or occupational interest.

Local Nature Reserve

Local Nature Reserves within Chichester District Council

Local Plan Area North

These policies only apply to the North of the Local Plan area. It excludes the area within the South Downs National Park.

Local Plan policies

This shows the extent to which the adopted Chichester Local, Plan applies. It excludes the area within the South Downs National Park.

Locally Listed Building

Locally Listed Buildings defined by Chichester District Council

Secondary Shopping Frontage

This policy sets parameters for retail and non-retail uses within Chichester city’s primary shopping frontage.

Primary Shopping Frontage

The boundary for the Chichester City's secondary shopping frontage this policy sets parameters for retail and non-retail uses within Chichester city’s secondary shopping frontage.

Chichester INSPIRE service

Web & GIS Team

Payments to suppliers with a value over £500 from Chichester District Council

This page lists reports of individual payments to suppliers with a value over £500 made within the month. Publication of these lists forms part of the Council's commitment to be open and...