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20 results found

DIO Operations Accommodation Customer Satisfaction Key Performance Indicators

These Key Performance Indicators (KPI) were developed after consultation with UK Service Family Accommodation key stakeholders, including representatives of Service families. The KPIs provide...

Non-inhabited listed buildings on the MOD UK estate

Non-inhabited listed buildings on the MOD estate, which includes listed structures such as milestones and pill boxes. The data is from the UK. The date range lies between c. 1300 (for some Medieval...



Deer Management

Deer Management


The home page for byelaws associated with Military land, including the ability to access further related pages to provide comprehensive information. It is intended that this byelaws website will be...

Headcount Data

Headcount Data



Byelaws - Ministry of Defence Site Review Programme

The attached table shows those sites which the Byelaws Review Project Board has determined require detailed review to ascertain whether they should be the subject of new byelaws and will be subject...

Estates Information

Estates Information

Revoked Byelaws on the Military Estate

List Of Revoked Byelaws Revoked Byelaws - Byelaws revoked by the creation of later byelaws.

Value of the Estate

Value of the Estate

Training on Private Land

Training on Private Land

ICT Expenditure

ICT Expenditure

Business Plan/Command Plan

Business Plan/Command Plan

Utilities Management

Utilities Management

Cost of Ownership

Cost of Ownership



Land Quality Assessment

Land Quality Assessment

Deed Information

Deed Information

MOD-Organogram of Staff Roles & Salaries-DIO

Organogram (organisation chart) showing all staff roles. Names and salaries are also listed for the Senior Civil Servants 2* and above. Organogram data has been released by all central...