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58 results found

Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) and Renewable Heat Premium Payments (RHPP) monthly deployment data

The monthly statistics for the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) programme present the number of applications and accredited installations on the scheme so far. The figures are broken down by...

National Energy Efficiency Data-Framework (NEED)

The National Energy Efficiency Data-Framework (NEED) was set up to provide a better understanding of energy use and energy efficiency in domestic and non-domestic buildings in Great Britain. The...

UK greenhouse gas emissions: local authority and regional

The UK produces a breakdown of greenhouse gas emissions by Local Authority area as a subset of its annual inventory of greenhouse gas emissions. The nationally available data sets begin in 2005....

Sub-national road transport consumption

Statistics on the consumption of petrol and diesel broken down by local authority and vehicle type. Accredited Official Statistics

UK greenhouse gas emissions: provisional

Provisional figures for 1 year previous published in March, i.e. data for 2023 published in March 2024; Final figures for 2 years previous published in February, i.e data for 2022 published in...

Fuel Poverty in England

Statistics and analysis of Fuel Poverty in England. Accredited Official Statistics

DESNZ: workforce management information

Documents relating to workforce management information (WMI) summary data for the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ). This data covers: payroll staff by grade, non-payroll...

DESNZ: Ambient gamma radiation dose rates across the UK

Data received from 96 fixed and mobile monitors measuring the ambient (background) gamma radiation dose rate across the UK on an hourly basis. Background radiation continues to be the main...

Heat Networks registered under the Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations

Registered heat networks based on notifications under the Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations. Official Statistics in development.

Public Attitudes Tracker

This release provides headline findings from the Public Attitudes Tracker (PAT). The first Wave was carried out in March 2012. The survey runs three times a year with a subset of questions being...

Warm Home Discount

Official statistics in development on the Warm Home Discount scheme, providing figures on the number of households receiving the Warm Home Discount.

DESNZ: Prompt Payment Data

Percentage of invoices DESNZ paid within 5 days and within 30 days of receipt. The data is in yearly quarters.

DESNZ: special advisers' gifts, hospitality and meetings

The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) publishes details of meetings between special advisers and the media, senior executives and other external parties on a quarterly basis. It...

National Energy Efficiency Data-Framework (NEED): anonymised datasets

The Domestic National Energy Efficiency Data-Framework (NEED) brings together information on domestic gas and electricity consumption with other information about domestic properties and the...

Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics (DUKES)

The Digest provides essential information for everyone involved in energy, from economists to environmentalists, and from energy suppliers to energy users. Accredited Official...

Energy Flow Chart

Energy production, trade, transformation, energy industry use & loses and consumption data. All charts are shown in million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) unless specified...

UK Energy in Brief

Summary of the latest statistics on energy and climate change in the UK. Accredited Official Statistics Alternative title: UKEiB

Energy Consumption in the UK

Energy Consumption in the United Kingdom’ (ECUK) is an annual statistical publication that provides a comprehensive review of energy consumption and changes in intensity and output since the 1970s,...

Sub-national residual fuel consumption

Statistics on the consumption of residual fuel data broken down by local authority. Residual fuels are fuels not used for electricity generation or road transport, and are defined as non-gas,...

Sub-national total final energy consumption

Statistics of total final energy consumption at country, regional and local authority level. Accredited Official Statistics