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17 results found

Statistical Press Release

This statistical press release provides statistics for writs and originating summonses issued, cases disposed and orders made in respect of mortgages in the Chancery Division of the Northern...

County Court Bulletin

This publication contains information on the county court in Northern Ireland in relation to civil bills, equity, ejectment, small claims, criminal damage, divorces, licences and waiting...

Experience of Crime: Findings from the Northern Ireland Crime Survey

Findings from the Northern Ireland Crime Survey focusing on crime victimisation and prevalence rates in both Northern Ireland and England & Wales. Source agency: Justice (Northern...

Victim and Witness Experience of the Northern Ireland Criminal Justice System

This publication addresses victim and witness views of their criminal justice experience from the point of initial contact with the system right through to the point of sentencing and...

Children Order Bulletin

This publication contains information on the Children Order in Northern Ireland in relation to public and private applications entered and dealt with in the Family Proceedings Court, Family Care...

Adult Reoffending in Northern Ireland

This bulletin provides information on the one year proven reoffending rate for a cohort of adults who received a non-custodial disposal at court, a diversionary disposal or were released from...

Northern Ireland Reoffending Methodology

The purpose of this bulletin is to provide a detailed methodology of how recidivism is calculated in Northern Ireland. This will aid users of this information to better understand both what is...

Youth Reoffending in Northern Ireland

This bulletin provides information on the one year proven reoffending rate for a cohort of youths who received a non-custodial disposal at court, a diversionary disposal or were released from...

Digest of Information on the Northern Ireland Criminal Justice System

The publication series 'Digest of Information on the Northern Ireland Criminal Justice System' has been temporarily postponed to enable a user consultation exercise to be carried out. There will be...

Views on Alcohol and Drug Related Issues: Findings from the Northern Ireland Omnibus Survey

This bulletin draws on findings from the September 2013 Northern Ireland Omnibus Survey where respondents were asked their views on alcohol and drug related issues. Source agency: Justice...

First time entrants to the justice system in Northern Ireland

This bulletin provides information on the one year proven reoffending rate for a cohort of adults who received a non-custodial disposal at court, a diversionary disposal or were released from...

Crown Court Bulletin

This publication contains information on the Crown Court in Northern Ireland in relation to cases received and dealt with, defendants received and dealt with, waiting times, pleas and findings and...

The Northern Ireland Prison Population

The size and composition of the prison population of Norhern Ireland and compared data with previous years during the last decade. Source agency: Justice (Northern Ireland) Designation: National...

Magistrates' Court Bulletin

This publication contains information on the criminal magistrates' courts in Northern Ireland in relation to adult and youth magistrates' courts, court sitting times, number and type of charges...

Perceptions of Crime: Findings from the Northern Ireland Crime Survey

Findings from the Northern Ireland Crime Survey focusing on experiences and perceptions of crime in both Northern Ireland and England & Wales. Source agency: Justice (Northern...

Perceptions of Policing, Justice and Organised Crime: Findings from the Northern Ireland Crime Survey

Findings from the Northern Ireland Crime Survey focusing on experiences and perceptions of Policing, Justice and Organised Crime, in both Northern Ireland and England & Wales. Source agency:...

Northern Ireland Conviction and Sentencing Statistics

This publication contains information on offences and disposals for all courts, magistrates' courts and the Crown Court in Northern Ireland. Source agency: Justice (Northern Ireland) Designation:...