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34 results found

TPO Polygons

This dataset provides a Tree Preservation Area layer in polygons, taken from the authorities Planning System.

Land and Property Assets

This is a polygon dataset that shows the Land and Property Assets (registered and un-registered) held by East Staffordshire Borough Council.

East Staffordshire Bagots by-Election Results 6th May 2010

East Staffordshire Borough Council 2010 Bagots by-Election results.

East Staffordshire Latest News

An RSS Feed for East Staffordshire Borough Council latest news.

Housing Allocation

Dataset showing Housing Allocations in the East Staffordshire Borough as identified in Adopted Local Plan 2012-2031

Green Belt

The extent of the Green belt defined within the East Staffordshire Borough.

Settlement Boundary

This is a polygon dataset used to identify Settlement Boundaries as part of the Adopted Local Plan 2012-2031. Please note: Two Individual Neighbourhood plans should be seen in conjunction with the...

Town Centre Uses

Town Centre Uses defined by Primary and Secondary classification as identified in Adopted Local Plan 2012-2031

Town Centre Boundaries

Dataset showing Town Centre boundaries as identified in Adopted Local Plan 2012-2031

Strategic Industrial Locations

Strategic Industrial Locations as identified in the East Staffordshire Borough Councils Adopted Local Plan 2012-2031.

Environmental Permitting Sites

Under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010, local authorities must regulate certain types of industry and other activities such as dry cleaners. This is to reduce any...

Amenity Greenspace

Extent of open space comprising amenity land, including green corridors and verges in ESBC as polygons.

Air Quality Management Areas

The Government set air quality standards for the protection of health. Under the Environment Act 1995 East Staffordshire Council is required to designate Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA) where...

Noise Abatement Zones

Noise abatement zones in East Staffordshire Borough

Childrens Play Areas

Extent of open space comprising playgrounds and recreation areas for children and young people in ESBC as polygons.


Layer showing all allotments in the East Staffordshire Borough Council Area - The allotments are in the process of being passed over to parish councils so the data will not be updated by ESBC in...

Smoke Control Area Plans

This dataset comprises polygon data showing Smoke Control areas within East Staffordshire. The dataset is based on paper plans created as a consequence of the Clean Air Act 1956. Smoke Control...

Semi Natural Greenspaces

The dataset shows the area of Semi Natural Open Spaces within the East Staffordshire Borough


Article 4 directions are used to control works that could threaten the character of an area of acknowledged importance, such as a conservation area.

Parks & Gardens

Extent of open space comprising public parks and gardens in ESBC as polygons.