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13 results found

Local Authority Type Register

Types of local government organisations in the United Kingdom Registers - Registers are lists of information. Each register is the most reliable list of its kind. If you wish to know more about...

Meta-data for datasets

A dataset of all the meta-data for all of the datasets available through the service. This is provided as a zipped CSV or JSON file. It is published nightly. Updates: 27 Sep 2017:...

Organogram publication via

The list of releases of organograms via's organogram system. These are also listed in datasets like but it's helpful to have this...

Apps on

The raw data behind the apps listed at This is exported in a relatively raw format. It is refreshed nightly. The fields should be relatively self-explanatory when...

Government Transactional Services

The government's transactional services range from booking driving tests and filing tax returns, to applying for a fishing rod licence and setting up a company: all services managed by public...

URLs to services provided by local authorities

This dataset contains a list of services provided by local councils (‘local authorities’) and links to the corresponding pages on local council websites. It’s maintained and owned by the Government...

Government organisation register

Government department, agency or teams that exist on GOV.UK Registers - Registers are lists of information. Each register is the most reliable list of its kind. If you wish to know more about...

Government service register

Government services that have a government service domain Registers - Registers are lists of information. Each register is the most reliable list of its kind. If you wish to know more about...

Local directgov services list.

This dataset is no longer being updated. It has been replaced by a dataset of [URLs to services provided by local authorities]( It was last...

Historical GOV.UK Registers

GOV.UK Registers was a service provided by the Government Digital Service which retired on March 15 2021. The service provided a central point for canonical data to support the development of...

Historical Performance Platform

The Performance Platform was a service provided by the Government Digital Service until March 15 2021. The historical archives will be available from March 18 via the National Archives Government...

GOV.UK structural network adjacency list

GOV.UK is a group of pages that comprises the best place to find government services and information. It can be represented as a network made of pages, represented as nodes, that are connected to...

GOV.UK Pay performance data

This page provides data on the Performance to GOV.UK/Pay. This page is updated weekly.