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23 results found


GIS polygon dataset identifying hatches that include shops, Post Office, bank, pub, restaurant, church, health and community centres designed to meet residents' most weekly needs as detailed in...


GIS polygon dataset identifying wildlife sites within the Harlow District. The polygon includes Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), Local Nature Reserves (LNR) and Wildlife Sites. Local...


GIS polygon dataset identifying two sites being part of Housing Allocations as identified in Local Plan policy H2/2 and H2/3. Polygon Only. Digitised at 1:1250 scale


GIS polygon dataset identifying buildings and structures that are listed as being of special architectural and historic interest. The information include address and the grade. Digitised at 1:1250...


GIS polygon dataset identifying the Alcohol Control Zones in Deisgnated Public Areas in Harlow District. The information includes the Designated Public Area name. Digitised at 1:1250 scale


GIS polygon dataset identifying the areas for general employment uses within the Harlow District. These areas have been chosen by the Local Planning Authority to be subject to Local Plan policy to...


GIS polygon dataset identifying the main assets owned by Harlow Council. The information includes asset name, address, UPRN, tenture and British National grid coordinates. Digitised at 1:1250 scale


GIS polygon dataset identifying the major housing development sites within the Harlow District. These have been chosen by the Local Planning Authority to be subject to Local Plan policy to provide...


GIS polygon dataset identifying proposed road infrastructure improvements as specifield in Local Plan policy T11. Polygon Only


GIS polygon dataset identifying neigbourhood service areas designed to meet residents' most weekly needs as detailed in Harlow Council Local Plan 2006. Digitised at 1:1250 scale


GIS polygon dataset identifying Neighbour Centres that include shops, Post Office, bank, pub, restaurant, church, health and community centres designed to meet residents' most weekly needs as...


GIS polygon dataset identifying in Local Plan as a New Employment area known as Nontel Network/North of Nontel Networks. Polygon Only Digitised at 1:1250 scale


GIS polygon dataset identifying Strategic Housing Site as identified in Local Plan. Polygon Only. Digitised at 1:1250 scale


GIS polygon dataset identifying large retail units mostly accommodating retailers of non food bulky goods as specifield in Local Plan policy RTCS9. Polygon Only

Harlow INSPIRE service

Harlow Council OWS


GIS polygon dataset identifying wildlife werges within the Harlow District.


GIS polygon dataset identifying town centre and its immediate surroundings as specifield in Local Plan policy RTCS1. Polygon Only


GIS polygon dataset identifying the zones where parking restrictions are imposed in the Harlow District. The information includes the restriction code. Digitised at 1:1250 scale


GIS polygon dataset identifying the Allotment Areas in Harlow District. The information includes the allotment name. Digitised at 1:1250 scale


GIS polygon dataset identifying Bicycle routes as identifield in Local Plan as being part of the Harlow Area Transport Strategy. Polygon Only. Digitised at 1:1250 scale