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Polling districts

Under Section 17 of the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013, the Council is required to carry out a polling district boundary review within the 16 months from 01 October 2013 and...

CCTV Camera Locations in Ipswich

CCTV was introduced into Ipswich town centre in 1994. Cameras are monitored from a control room known as the Emergency Services Centre (ESC), which is based in Ipswich Borough Council's...

GPC spending - Ipswich Borough Council

GPC (Government Procurement Card) spending reports each month the list of all transactions spent on GPC. This does not include payments to Ipswich Borough Council employees.

Social Housing Asset Value - Ipswich Borough Council

Details of the value of social housing stock that is held in their Housing Revenue Account.

Spending over £500 - Ipswich Borough Council

Ipswich Borough each month publish the list of payments where the total payment for goods and services is greater than £500. This list does not include payments to Ipswich Borough Council employees.

Ipswich Borough Owned Land

List of land assets owned by Ipswich Borough Council. Data published yearly.

Parking Account - Ipswich Borough Council

Parking Account - Ipswich Borough Council

Ipswich Borough Council - Locally Listed Buildings

These are buildings in the Ipswich Borough Council’s area that make a positive contribution to its local character and sense of place because of their heritage value, but which do not enjoy the...

Ipswich Borough Concil - Green Rim Indicative

Indicative area around Ipswich where the Council will seek to work with partners to improve and provide a publicly accessible green rim.

Ipswich Borough Council - Wildlife Audit Sites

Sites which are identified in the Ipswich Wildlife Audit 2013. Core Area Rank 1-2. High Conservation Value (SPA/Ramsar, SSSI, CWS). Core Area Rank 3-4. Medium Conservation Value, some of which are...

Ipswich Borough Council - Existing Playing Field

Existing playing fields which act as stepping stones to improve connectivity between core areas enabling species to move, feed, disperse, migrate or reproduce.

Eco Corridor - Aspirational Links

Corridors which improve connectivity between core areas enabling species to move, feed, disperse, migrate or reproduce

Ipswich Borough Council - Wildlife Audit 100m buffer

100m buffer which surround all Core Areas (except SPA/Ramsar and SSSI) and all Corridors to protect them from adverse impacts and where encouragement will be given to enhancing the corridor...

Ipswich Borough Council - Wildlife Audit 400m Buffer

400m buffer which surround Core Areas Rank 1 and 2 (SPA/Ramsar and SSSI not including CWS) to protect them from adverse impacts.

Ipswich Borough Council/Mobile food vendors/Street traders

Mobile food vendors and street traders

Business Improvement District - Ipswich

Ipswich Central is the company responsible for running the town centre Business Improvement District (BID). The BID allows an additional rate levy to be charged to businesses in a defined...

IBC Maintained Trees

Trees within the borough's boundary which are surveyed and maintained by IBC Parks and Open Spaces Team. Data is an extract from Arbotrack - IBC Tree inventory application

Ipswich Urban Character Areas

The boundaries represent the edges of defined urban character areas. These are areas with shared physical characteristics which distinguish them from adjoining areas, for example land use,...

AQMA Tube Location - Ipswich

Ipswich Borough Council monitors air quality using a combination of continuous analysers and diffusion tubes. The Continuous analyser is serviced by an external contractor and the data is...

Ipswich Borough Council - Compulsory Purchase Order

Ipswich Borough Council considers the compulsory purchase of a property when the council is satisfied that the house is in a poor state of repair, is unlikely to be brought back into use by the...