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10 results found

Judicial Database (HR Record Database of Judicials in England and Wales)

Database of all staff and recently serving members of the Judiciary covering England and Wales, containing personal details such as name, age, address, appraisal records, sick records, and...

Judicial training database

Personal details such as name age etc., of all serving and recently serving members of the judiciary covering England and Wales. Includes training courses they have attended or been invited to...

Budget data system

Database containing forecastsand actual expenditure

Jams2 (Database of Magistrates in England and Wales)

Database containing personal details such as name, age, address of all and recently serving Magistrates in the judiciary covering England and Wales. This database will be amalgamated into the e-HR...

JO HR records

Appraisal records, sick records, emergency contact details

Delegated statutory authorities

Records of authorities under the CRA and TCE and who they have been delegated to

JO Business Continuity Plans

Emergency procedures in case of major incident in the workplace

Records of meetings

Agendas, minutes, papers etc for meetings including Judicial Executive Board, Judges’ Council, Judicial College Executive Board and Advisory Council

Judicial College Learning Management System

Secure learning management system for all Judicial Office-holders to access online training materials, containing a history of their learning and development records including personal details of...

Organogram of Staff Roles & Salaries

Organogram (organisation chart) showing all staff roles. Names and salaries are also listed for the Senior Civil Servants. Organogram data is released by all central government departments and...