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dataset shows locations within LiverpoolCity Boundary of Allotments. held as part of the city's geodata holding,.used on intranet/intranet, find my nearest, general queries, links to how to apply etc.

Liverpool Air Montoring Stations

Liverpool City Council air quality monitoring and management station locations

Liverpool Air Quality

Yearly average air quality from various Liverpool monitoring locations.

Liverpool Sites for Industrial or Business Development

Unitary Development Plan, sites for devolpment.

Liverpool Regionally Important Geological Sites

RIGS, Regionally Important Geological Sites, Geo Deservity

Liverpool City Smoke Controlled Zone



Dataset shows boundaries of Liverpool City boundaries. held as part of Liverpool geodata holding. used on internet/intranet.

Alcohol Zone

geographical region displaying an area where drinking restrictions are in place.

Liverpool Tree Preservation orders

geography, polygon regions covers land protection by a Tree Preservation Order. used as a means of reference in land searhes and planning applications within Liverpool.

Liverpool No Permitted Developments

Liveerpool Non Permitted Development regions

Liverpool Primarily Industrial Sites

Liverpool Industrial sites

Liverpool Compulsory Purchase Order

compulsory purchase order boundaries

Liverpool Commo Land

Common land for public use.

Liverpool Article4 Directions

Article4 Directionss, permitted developments

Liverpool Section 106 Notices

Section 106 Notices, infrastructure levy

Liverpool Main Retail Core

Liverpool Main Reatil Core, Shopping Area.

Liverpool Listed Building

Livepool Listed Building polygon locations

Public Rights of Way

Liverpool City Council dataset defining Public Rights of Way Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Open Government Licence for Public Sector...

Liverpool Electoral Ward Boundaries

Ward boundaries for Liverpool. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information