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37 results found

Smoke Control Orders

Unrefined dataset of smoke control orders required to answer a property search enquiry made available under the Environmental Information Regulations 2005

Extent of Parking Spaces in Mancheser

A spatial layer showing the locations of parking spaces in manchester.

Corporate Assets

MCC’s land and building asset data as held within the Council’s asset database (CPAD) and defined by the Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities Data Transparency 2014. NOTE: A full...

Tree Preservation Orders35

Unrefined dataset of Tree Preservation Orders required to answer a property search enquiry made available under the Environmental Information Regulations 2005


Constitution of Manchester City Council

Traffic Restrictions

Traffic restriction data including, speed restrictions and height and weight restrictions


Dataset shows boundaries of Cemeteries in Manchester


Unrefined dataset of article 4 directions required to answer a property search enquiry made available under the Environmental Information Regulations 2005.

Planning - Article 4

Unrefined dataset of article 4 directions required to answer a property search enquiry made available under the Environmental Information Regulations 2005.

Procurement Manchester

Procurement Information, this is a link to the contract register for the North West Improvement and Efficiency Partnership

Extent of Parking Spaces Manchester

A spatial layer showing the locations of parking spaces in manchester.

Libraries Annual Performance Data - Calendar Year

Manchester City Council Libraries Annual Performance Data by Calendar Year

Library Key Information

Annual summary of Libraries key information location details

Licensed Premises in Manchester

the electronic premises licensing register is currently unavailable. a copy of the register is available for inspection on request, please email to make an...

Regulation 113

Payment of undisputed invoices within 30 days – Regulation 113 Public Contract Regulations 2015

Compulsory Purchase Orders

Unrefined dataset of compulsory purchase orders required to answer a property search enquiry made available under the Environmental Information Regulations 2005

Grant Payments to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Organisations

Manchester City Council publishes details of all grant payments made to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations (VCSE)

Public Toilets in Manchester

Public Toilets in Manchester


Extent of public cemeteries with Manchester City Council's boundaries

Public Sector Apprenticeship Data Publication

This data set includes workforce information on Public Sector Apprenticeship Data for a number of measures listed in the metadata.