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214 results found

Mortgage and landlord possession statistics, England and Wales

The quarterly releases present statistics on possession actions issued in county courts by mortgage lenders and social and private landlords in England and Wales. Note that the figures represent...

Offender management statistics quarterly bulletin

This publication provides key statistics relating to offenders who are in custody or under Probation Service supervision. It covers flows into these services (receptions into prison or probation...

Prison population projections, England and Wales

The release (generally annual) gives the projected monthly prison population in England and Wales for the next six years. Sub-population (such as gender) estimates are presented alongside the...

ORACLE HRMS (Prison Service and Noms HR record database)

Database containing personal details of all staff at the Prison Service and National Offender Management Service. Such as name, age, address and bank account details. Also includes performance...


Database holding personal details for all potential jurors (such as name, age, address) within the last seven years for Crown Civil and Coroners Courts in England and Wales.

Information about judiciary

Currently available as text at

Crown Court Sentencing Survey Database

Details of the factors affecting judge's sentencing decisions at the Crown Court


Case management system for Crown court cases. Details include name, sex, date of birth and address of defendant, type of crime, personal details of victims, and details of third parties involved,...

Court Funds Office Database

The Court Funds Office (CFO) provides a banking and administration service for the Civil Courts throughout England and Wales and their database holds the account number, case name, year carried...

MoJ Ministerial correspondence tracker

Database for tracking and monitoring ministerial correspondence logged under name and addressee of author, campaign, subject heading (e.g. criminal justice system, devolution, family justice, fees...

CasPER (OSPT Case management system)

Casper is a database containing the names addresses and personal  details of clients and all parties in cases where the Official Solicitor and the Public Trustee are appointed. Case details are...

CIS (Legal Aid Work and Civil Representation means & merits)

Contains client information in both crime and civil cases, personal details, providers of legal services details, details of fees, appeal case information. Holds Legal Aid Work relating to Civil...

Youth offending case management data

Case level data from the Youth Offending Teamss in England and Wales. Collected on a quaterly basis this includes a range of information relating to convicted young people, their offence(s),...

Types of court

Available as text at


Case management system for immigration, asylum and bail appeal tribunals. Details include name, sex, date of birth and address of defendant, case type, personal details of third parties involved,...

Adult sentencing outcomes

Available at


Database used by the Youth Justice Board placement service to record custodial orders (e.g. hearing date, Court name, custodial Order type) and placement results.It is used to record sentence...

Controlled Work Administration (Database of legal aid work)

Contains claim details, as submitted by a provider, including: client details, profit and disbursement costs and category of Law. The database also contains contract & schedule information and...

Care Monitoring System (Care and Supervision Cases in Family Courts)

A case progression monitoring tool containing details of cases going through the family courts relating to care and supervision applications. Details include: court the case is being held...

Royal Courts of Justice and Rolls building daily court lists

Available as text at