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8 results found


Beetle (Coleoptera) records for the United Kingdom 1977-81 made by Tony Drane of Northamptonshire. The data were digitised from Tony's notebooks under the National Biodiversity Network's Data...


Beetle (Coleoptera) Records for the UK made by Tony Drane of Northampton during 1982-99. The records were digitised from Tony's final notebook and its successor lever arch file of data sheets...


Butterfly (Lepidoptera) Records for Northamptonshire from 1976-1985. Records vary in resolution from 10 km to 100m or attributed to known sites. The data helps to fill a gap in the records...


Northamptonshire - Recent and archived wildlife records submitted to Northants Biodiversity Records Centre

Northamptonshire County Bird Records - 1981-1999 (main)

Northamptonshire Bird (Aves) records from 1981-1999

NorthantsBirdRecords1981-1999 (subsidiary dataset)

Bird (Aves) records for Northamptonshire 1981-1999 (subsidiary dataset)


Flowering Plant Records from Northamptonshire Churchyards and cemeteries The dataset combines surveys organised/undertaken in the 1980's by local branch of the (then) Botanical Society for the...


Historic Bird Records for Northamptonshire A collection of records extracted from the archives of the Northamptonshire Natural History Society under the National Biodiversity Network Data Capture...