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5 results found

Organogram and staff pay data in the Office of Fair Trading

A list of most Senior Civil Service posts in the Office of Fair Trading including title, pay for PB1 and PB2, and where disclosed, the name of the officer. FTE for all non-SCS staff reporting to an...

Spend over £25,000.00

It should be noted that items below £25,000 have been listed where they appear on an invoice with a total value over £25,000. All values are presented inclusive of non-recoverable VAT. Where VAT...

OFT Monthly workforce management information April-August 2011

The OFT has published monthly workforce management information. These figures are not official statistics. They are internal workforce management information published in the interests of...

OFT Non-consolidated performance related pay - 2010-11

The Office of Fair Trading has published data on non consolidated performance related pay for the performance year 2010-11.

Contract Spend

Contract documentation is only available for contracts with a value of over £10,000 which have been agreed after 1st July 2010 (IT contracts) and 1st Jan 2011 (all other contracts).