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36 results found

Peterborough City Council - Payments over £500

Peterborough City Council believes that it should be transparent about where money is spent. This information will improve transparency for residents, who provide much of the funding to the council...

Peterborough City Council - Primary schools

Distance travelled by the last child admitted to each primary school in Peterborough by year.

Peterborough City Council - Budget spend on older person services

Peterborough City Council budget spend on older person's services

Peterborough City Council - Social and affordable housing allocations by nationality

Proportion of new social and affordable housing allocations by nationality in Peterborough.

Peterborough City Council - Older people placed and funded

Percentage of older person’s placements funded by the Peterborough City Council subject to a higher price than the basic spot contract bed prices.

Peterborough City Council - Percentage of older people in expensive placements

Percentage of older person’s placements funded by the LA subject to a higher price than the basic spot contract bed prices.

Peterborough City Council - Price for older person placements

The price for a basic spot contract bed paid to the independent sector provider for older person's placements.

Peterborough City Council - Discretionary housing payments

Peterborough City Council discretionary housing payments

Peterborough City Council - Firework licence holders

Peterborough City Council firework licence-registration holders - type 3 and 4 explosives

Public toilets

Public toilets

Brownfield Register

Peterborough City Council is taking part in a national pilot scheme which aims to provide prospective developers with an up-to-date list of sites that are available for housing development across...

Older people placed and funded by council

The number of older people (age 65+) the council has placed and funded in residential care, residential EMI care, nursing care, nursing EMI care or in the home via domiciliary care.

Transparency Code - Payments over £500

Payments over £500

Transparency Code - Tenders and Contracts

Tenders and Contracts

Premises licence

Premises licence

Planning applications

Planning applications

Alcohol Licensing

Businesses, organisations and individuals who want to sell or supply alcohol in England and Wales must have a licence or other authorisation from the licensing authority.

Animals frozen, including type and quantity

Animals frozen, including type and quantity

Peterborough City Council - Public toilets

All public toilets managed by Peterborough City Council with location and opening times. The data is in the format specified by the local open data scheme, as described here:...

Firework licence-registration holders - Type 3 and 4 explosives

Firework licence-registration holders - Type 3 and 4 explosives