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Portsmouth City Council Brownfield Land Register revision 1.0 published 19/12/17. Produced in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017.
Extract from Portsmouth City Council's Definitive Public Rights of Way map.
The Electoral Boundaries of Portsmouth City Council. Captured as Boundaries by the Ordnance Survey.
The Point Data Locates Polling Stations within ward Boundaries where individuals may vote. Upon accessing this Licenced Data you will be deemed to have accepted the Terms of the Public Sector End...
GIS polygon dataset identifying Smoke Control Areas within Portsmouth City Council. Compliant with the Clean Air Act to control Smoke Emission.
Trees and wooded area protected under planning and conservation laws by Tree Preservation Orders
A database of indicative boundaries for land and property that Portsmouth City Council (PCC) own or have an interest in.
Portsmouth City Council's Housing departments areas of operation/responsibility
Article 4 directions are used to manage works that could affect the character of an area of acknowledged importance, such as a Conservation Area.
Areas where residents parking permits are in operation