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15 results found

Population of England and Wales by ethnicity

This data measures the size of the population of England and Wales, and the number and percentage of people from each ethnic group. Data is taken from the 2011 and 2001 Censuses and is published...

Regional ethnic diversity in England and Wales

The data measures the ethnic diversity of England and Wales by region and type of area, for example urban and rural. Data comes from the 2011 Census and is published on 'Ethnicity facts and figures'.

Stop and search by ethnicity

The data shows: * the number of stop and searches for different ethnic groups in England and Wales * how many stop and searches there were for every 1,000 people in each ethnic group (the...

Victims of crime by ethnicity

The data measures the percentage of people who said they had been the victim of at least one crime in the last year. All data is analysed by ethnicity, and there are further analyses that combine...

Average hourly pay by ethnicity

The data measures the average (median) gross hourly pay for employees aged 16 and over in different ethnic groups in the UK. This data comes from the Labour Force Survey and is published on...

NHS workforce by ethnicity

Data showing the percentage of NHS staff from Asian, Black, Chinese, Mixed, White and Other ethnic groups. Data is broken down by ethnicity, type of role, and grade. This data is taken from NHS...

Employment by ethnicity

The data measures the number and percentage of people in different ethnic groups in England, Scotland and Wales who are employed. Percentages are worked out using the total working age population...

Average age of the population by ethnicity

Statistics about the age of the general population of England and Wales. The data also looks at the age profiles of different ethnic groups (Asian, Black, Mixed, White and Other). Data comes from...

Household income by ethnicity

The data measures the weekly income before tax of households from different ethnic groups in the UK. It includes the total income of everyone who lives in the household. The data comes from the...

Unemployment by ethnicity

The data measures the number and percentage of people in different ethnic groups in England, Scotland and Wales who are unemployed. Percentages are worked out using the economically active...

Male and female populations of England and Wales by ethnicity

Data showing the percentage of people in England and Wales who are men and women (and boys and girls). Data is shown for each of the [18 ethnic...

Police workforce by ethnicity

The data shows the number and percentage of people working for the police who come from different ethnic groups. It covers the 43 police forces in England and Wales, and the British Transport...

Prosecutions and convictions by ethnicity

The data shows the ‘conviction ratio’ for defendants from different ethnic groups. A defendant is someone who has been accused of committing a crime. The conviction ratio is the number of...

GCSE English and maths results by ethnicity

The data measures the percentage of pupils at state-funded mainstream schools who got a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and maths. This used to be known as a ‘strong pass’. All data is analysed...

Arrests by ethnicity

This data measures the number of arrests for 'notifiable offences' – offences for which the police must complete a crime report. All data is analysed by ethnicity, and there are further analyses...