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64 results found

Wildlife Corridors Areas of Search

Wildlife corridors areas of search as defined in Salford UDP 2006. These areas are the areas within which UDP Policy EN9 operates. They are areas of search for wildlife corridors - land which...

Barton Strategic Regional Site

Dataset showing the extent of the Barton Strategic Regional Site, identified in the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan 2006 - 2016 as a key location potentially providing for employment...

Manchester Airport Safeguarding Zone - wind turbines

Dataset showing that the city council should consult with Manchester Airport for any wind turbine development within the city boundary. The purpose of the safeguarding zone is to ensure that the...

Manchester Airport Safeguarding Zone - development likely to attract birds

Dataset showing an area of the city (known as a safeguarding zone) where the city council should consult with Manchester Airport where development is likely to attract birds, such as proposals...

Local Landscape Character Assessment Areas

Different landscape character areas and sub areas as assessed under the 2007 Landscape Character Assessment consultation draft. These areas are not designated as such but the character assessment...

Area covered by Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

This is the area covered by the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy, which is the entirety of the city boundary. Upon accessing this licensed data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of...

City Airport Manchester Safeguarding Zone - wind turbines

Dataset showing that the city council should consult with City Airport Manchester for any wind turbine development within 5km of the airports centroid. The purpose of the safeguarding zone is to...

City Airport Manchester Safeguarding Zone - buildings exceeding specified height

Dataset showing areas of the city (known as safeguarding zones) where the city council should consult with City Airport Manchester for the following: buildings, structures, erections and works. In...

City Airport Manchester Safeguarding Zone - developments attracting birds

Dataset showing an area of the city (known as a safeguarding zone) where the city council should consult with City Airport Manchester where development is likely to attract birds, such as proposals...

Town and Neighbourhood Centres

Dataset of existing town and neighbourhood centres in Salford as defined in policy S1 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan 2004-16 Policies saved beyond 21 June 2009. The unitary...

Decisions of the council

The most recent 15 decisions made by the Cabinet, an individual Member of the Cabinet, a Committee of the Cabinet, or under joint arrangements.

School closure information

All closure information for schools, pupil referral units and children's centres.

Ward information

Information about the 20 wards that make up the city of Salford.

Recent press releases

The latest press releases published by Salford City Council.

Current job vacancies

All current Salford City Council job vacancies, provided by [yourcounciljobs](


Salford CIty Council Councillor details provided in XML data format. Including a list of councillors, contact details and committee membership.

INSPIRE spatial datasets

These are environmental spatial datasets that must be published by the council in order to comply with the EU INSPIRE directive. For compliance with the metadata requirements they are catalogued...

Business Rates

Information on businesses who pay business rates in Salford. Information includes business address, rateable value and other details.

Locally Listed Heritage Sites in Salford

List of locally adopted heritage assets. For more information on its compilation please see:

Salford City Council - Premises licences

Premises licences issued by Salford City Council. These are licences issued to premises which sell alcohol, provide regulated entertainment or serve hot food after 11pm. Dataset is formatted to...