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An annual summary of the number of apprentices employed by Stockport Council relative to our overall staffing headcount.

Senior Salaries

Salaries of the council's senior staff

Housing Revenue Account

The Local Government transparency code 2015 requires that a Local Authority publishes social housing stock at postal sector level.

Smoke Control Areas

Smoke Control Areas in Stockport

Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations

This dataset contains details of all grants made by the Council to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations.

Purchase Orders over £5000

This data set is duplicated and the correct version is available at A request has been submitted to delete this data set.

Strategic Open Space

Land in Stockport designated as Strategic Open Space

Landscape Character Areas

Geographically unique areas in Stockport

Highway Schemes

Highway Schemes in Stockport

Section 106

Locations in Stockport of Section 106 agreements

Local Wildlife Sites

Local Wildlife Sites are identified and selected for their local nature conservation value. They protect threatened species and habitats acting as buffers, stepping stones and corridors between...

Local Open Space

Land designated as Local Open Space in Stockport

Manchester Airport bird consultation zone

13 kilometre buffer around Manchester Airport representing the need for consultation for potential bird attractant developments

Article 4 2 Direction

Article 4 (2) Directions provide controls over minor development by removing certain permitted development rights within conservation areas. Generally they only apply to dwellings and to external...

Village Greens

Land designated as Village Green in Stockport

Article 4 1 Direction

Article 4 (1) Directions provide controls over minor development by removing certain permitted development rights within conservation areas. Generally they only apply to dwellings and to external...

Aircraft night time noise contours

Night time decibel restriction of aircraft within that contour zone. Aircraft are independently monitored to make sure that they conform to the restriction

Air Quality Management Areas

Air Quality Management Areas in Stockport


Location of allotments in Stockport

Aerodrome safeguard developments above 45m

Locations within Stockport where developments which exceed 45 metres above surface level must conform with aerodrome safeguarding