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Insolvency service Q3 21/22

Insolvency service Q3 21/22 SCS and junior data.

ISCIS (The Insolvency Service Case Information System)

ISCIS ( The Insolvency Service Case Information System) case management system.

Organogram of Staff Roles & Salaries

Organogram (organisation chart) showing all staff roles. Names and salaries are also listed for the Senior Civil Servants. Organogram data is released by all central government departments and...

Champ (Case Handling And Making Payments)

Processing database containing information of insolvent companies and claimants who have applied for redundancy related payments. Also includes information on solvent companies who have applied for...

Ad hoc databases & word documents

Various work plans and general self management spreadsheets & word documents are in use

SIP16 database

Record of disclosed pre-pack sales in administration

ANR (Advanced Notification of Redundancy)

Information gathering database for advanced notification of redundancy for companies with over 20 Employee's at the risk of redundancy at any one site.

Employee Assistance Programme

Dedicated information and counselling service for The Insolvency Service employees - produce reports on types of issues raised by staff, grades of staff contacting them etc.

Complaint Gateway database

Record of complaints received about IPs and referrals to authorising bodies

Pensions and retirement

Hold and process information


Currently provide payroll service

Daisy Wisdom

Electronic Records Management application - Service wide RM storage solution, covering ISCIS & CHAMP Electronic Case Files, Electronic Staff Files, Corporate, Financial Management &...

Moon Beever Secure Website

A database to allow our contracted agent to monitor the receipt of Income Payments made to the The Insolvency Service. The database is used via a web application to instruct our agents and receive...

Admin recruitment agency

Admin recruitment agency - will hold details of such agency staff, their length with us and pay details etc.

KIM Transit Inventory

Spreadsheet database containing information relating to The National Archives

KIM Intranet

Owned by secretariat (content). Update KIM area site content Notices, Newsletter, Wisdom information, SALA - EDM, Fario, Iron Mountain, Condeco and Scanning.

Trainline/ Hogg Robinson Spreadsheets

Spreadsheets summarising travel expenditure of staff within The The Insolvency Service, Investigation and Enforcement Division

Investigation and Enforcement Division Structure and Organisation

Organisation Charts showing team structures across Investigation and Enforcement Division (updated on a regular basis)

User Satisfaction survey

A questionnaire is completed by users of our service (Bankrupts; Directors; Insolvency Practitioners; Redundancy Payments claimants). Dataset has no attributable personal data, only views of the...

Investigation and Enforcement Division Workforce and Location Figures

Spreadsheet updated on a monthly basis showing Investigation and Enforcement Division Staff by grade and Location