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56 results found

UKHO Organogram 31 October 2020

Organogram (organisation chart) showing all staff roles. Names and salaries are also listed for the Senior Civil Servants. Organogram data is released by all central government

UKHO Organogram 31 October 2021

UKHO Organogram 31 October 2021

UK Faroes Denmark Special Area C 2012


Traffic Separation Schemes and Deep Water Routes Web Feature Service

This Web Feature Service publishes polygons depicting the Traffic Separation Schemes and Deep Water Routes around the UK and in the southern North Sea. The coordinates of the Traffic Separation...

UK - Ireland EEZ Boundary

Boundary between the UK and Ireland



Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction Limit

The Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction Limit



UK - Norway EEZ Boundary

EEZ boundary between the UK and Norway

Ships Routeing

A data set consisting of polygons depicting the Traffic Separation Schemes and Deep Water Routes around the UK and in the southern North Sea. The coordinates of the Traffic Separation Schemes are...

UK - Netherlands EEZ Boundary

EEZ boundary between the UK and the Netherlands

Bathymetry Web Map Tile Service

This Web Map Tile Service displays bathymetry that is part of the MEDIN Bathymetry Data Archiving Service.



UK - Germany EEZ Boundary

EEZ boundary between the UK and Germany

Northern Ireland Adjacent Waters Limit

The Northern Ireland Adjacent Waters Limit

UKHO Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units - Download Service

Download service publishing:

UKHO Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units - View Service

View Service publishing: 6 mile fish limit, gas importation storage zone, pollution zone, renewable energy zone, UK 200 nautical mile fishery limit and the UK continental shelf.





Traffic Separation Schemes

Traffic Separation Schemes